Kinderhook Reformed Church Worship Service
August 22, 2010, 9:30 A.M.
Route 9 and Church Street, Kinderhook, NY
“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”
Rev. Clark Austin, Guest Pastor
Counselor, New Life Discipleship Program, CCRM
You are invited to sign our Guest Book at the church entrance and to fill out a pew card and place it in the offering plate. We would like to get to know you better, and we invite you to fellowship with us and enjoy refreshments served by Nancy and Ted Call at our Lemonade Stand on the front lawn of the
church following today’s Worship Service.
A Prayer Partner can be available to pray with you if you so desire.
Ushers: Ted Call, Jerry Flansburg, Arnie March, Glenn Warren
Greeter(s): Dolly Petith
Preschool Nursery available downstairs, Elize Visser supervising.
Flowers today are given by Eric and Margaret Herrmann
in celebration of their 15th wedding anniversary.
Order of Worship
God’s Children’s Approach
CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive) Based on Psalm 108:1-5
Come now into God’s holy house to worship him
with joyful hearts and voices of praise.
Sing and make music with all your soul.
Awake, harp and lyre! Awaken the dawn!
Praise the Lord among the nations;
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens,
and let your glory be over all the earth.
Sing of the Lord among the peoples.
For great is his love, higher than the heavens;
His faithfulness reaches to the skies.
*HYMN OF PRAISE #356 All Creatures of Our God and King
CALL TO CONFESSION Based on Psalm 53
God looks down from heaven to see if there are any who understand that they are sinful, to see if there are any who seek his face and forgiveness. Let us not turn away, but let us turn toward him, call upon his name, and confess our sins.
PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) Based on Psalm 106
O Lord, we have put you to the test; we have not believed your promises or remembered your many miracles and kindnesses. Spirit of God, we have rebelled against you. We have done wrong, we have provoked you with our wicked deeds, and we have wasted away in our sin.
[Silent Prayer of Confession]
Renew us with the righteousness and holiness of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Save us, O Lord our God. Amen.
You are a compassionate and gracious God; forgiving and good; abounding in love and faithfulness to all who call upon you. We praise you, O Lord our God, with all our heart, for you have delivered us from our transgressions and from the depths of the grave. Alleluia! Amen.
Heavenly Father, bless our children with wisdom. Give them a constant hunger for more, and fill them with the knowledge of your Word and your will. Grant them a life-giving reverence for you, for that is where wisdom begins.
Children age 4 – Grade 4 are invited to attend Children & Worship.
God’s Opened Word
God’s Children Celebrating Him
Heavenly Father, you first loved us, that we might know how to love; you first blessed us, that we might know how to bless; you first gave to us, that we might know how to give. In humble gratitude, we present these offerings to you. Sanctify them, we pray, for the purpose of upholding and furthering the gospel of grace through Jesus Christ, your Son. Amen.
*HYMN #522 Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us *BENEDICTION RESPONSE My Friends, May Your Grow in Grace
My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.
My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen.
To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen.
There are still a number of semi-annual personal contribution and RCA financial statements remaining on the back table. If you have not yet picked yours up, kindly do so today.
Vacation Bible School will be in session from 9 a.m. to noon each day, Monday through Friday, this coming week here at KRC. We will be combining with the Muitzeskill Reformed Church again this year. If you are interested in helping out, please see Patti Varga. If you have not yet registered your children, registration forms are available on the back table.
Come and enjoy the good food and fellowship at KRC’s Church Family Picnic starting at noon NEXT SUNDAY, August 29, at the home of Dawn and Ted Tuttle, 332 Merwin Lake Road. DIRECTIONS: Take Route 9-H either south or north to Fischer Road, which meets with 9-H on the north side of the OLD Toyota dealership. Turn onto Fisher Road (left if you are coming from the north, right if you are coming from the south). Drive ½ mile, then stay straight to go onto Merwin Lake Road. Drive 2 tenths of a mile to the Tuttles’ home on the left. FOOD ITEMS ARE STILL NEEDED. PLEASE INDICATE YOUR CONTRIBUTION ON THE SHEET AT THE BACK TABLE.
Praise God for the Valatie Ecumenical Food Pantry’s ongoing service to our community, and for both Dolly Petith and Maureen Mooney, who represent KRC so faithfully in this ministry. During the month of June, the Pantry served 84 families, including 177 adults and 109 children.
The church will be opened for guided tours from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday mornings through October 9. There is still a need for volunteer tour guides, and if you are able to meet this need, help-sheets are available for noting points of interest within the sanctuary, recording the number of visitors, and opening and closing the church building. To assist in this outreach ministry, please contact Jane Deane, 758-7051.
Remember To Thank & Praise God for
• All who serve KRC Ministries by meeting regularly, setting goals, preparing recommendations, & working together to complete Ministry projects & responsibilities
• His blessing of a wonderful, caring, Spirit-filled pastor of vision such as Pastor Rudy
• The good report that tests for Holly, daughter of Paul and Joan Clause returned normal
• Tom Saulpaugh’s discharge from the hospital and recovery at home following open-heart surgery
• The good news that Brad Warren is out of the hospital and recovering at home
• Bob Rafferty’s sufficient recovery from pneumonia to be able to return to work
• The good report that Kara Ennis Mobley’s recent operation was a success, and that her doctors have said that no further treatment is necessary other than this surgery
• The wonderful ways God shows his love to us, especially during difficult times
Remember to Pray for
• Those whose families and friends are praying for their salvation or other spiritual needs
• KRC’s Consistory members and administrative ministries
• New KRC programs & projects and those implementing and administering them: Financial Peace University Course; Natural Church Development; Angel Food; roof replacement; church restoration
• KRC’s VBS volunteers, Sunday School staff, and youth leaders as they plan & administer programs this summer and for the fall season
• Our state and national leaders, that God will grant them the leadership skills, wisdom, and personal safety needed to govern effectively
• Our missionaries; children sponsored through Compassion or other agencies
• Those, especially children, suffering abuses of war, exploitation, neglect, family violence, natural disaster
• Families and friends grieving the loss of loved ones, especially the Flynt Family of Stuyvesant; Susan Patterson and family grieving the recent death of Susan’s mother, Janet Schurick; and Libby Little, family, and friends mourning the murders of Tom Little and his 9 teammates
• Relief from pain and quick healing for Pastor Rudy, recovering from surgery this past Friday to repair a crushed radial bone
• Guidance and patience for Diane Morgan & family looking for a suitable rehabilitation facility for Diane’s mother, Blanch Rogers, so she can return home and maintain her physical lifestyle; Blanche is in Memorial Hospital recovering from deep muscle bruising and twisting (no broken bones) suffered in a recent fall – she is doing well, though she cannot stand or sit without pain, and is unable to walk
• Russell, young nephew of Ruth Edge, recovering from the most recent of several brain surgeries, this one performed to treat an infection
• Elfie, sister-in-law of Jane Deane, and Vicki Dick, both recovering from knee surgery
• Those dealing with cancer: Marlys Haughie; Kara Ennis Mobley; Lillian Roginski; Dawn Meyers; Melanie; Ed B.; Rylyn Swierzewski
• Others awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness; chronically ill, or in hospice care: Noreen Maine; Chrissey; Tom Saulpaugh; Brad Warren; Bella Tarbox; the Afghans recently treated by Tom Little and his medical team; Bob Rafferty; Holly; Emese; Annake Visser; Betty Barmen; Libby Little; Merrill & Erika Johnson; Priscilla Frisbee; George Clowe; Beth Ryan; Ann VanBuren; Kathy Schneider’s father in Barnwell; Paul Varga• Those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill
• Those facing challenges, conflicts, difficult decisions: challenges facing Earl Ennis, just entering a nursing home, and Diane Morgan, Jean Skipper, Nicole, the Riveras, the Vargas; caregivers of children with health or developmental issues; those facing employment/economic troubles; those struggling with substance abuse, especially Greg L., Martin, & Andy; those suffering low self-esteem, discouragement, depression, despair, other emotional/mental health issues; young people choosing careers, looking for jobs, dealing with the many temptations confronting young adults
• Those who are traveling, especially Connie, Priscilla Frisbee’s daughter, touring Afghanistan for the month of August
• God’s blessing on those recently engaged/married, expecting babies, new/first-time parents: Gary March & Sarah Hubel, recently engaged; Andrew & Melissa (Call) Welcome, recently married; new parents Nate & Kristin Meldrim (Baby Lily), Terry (Baby David Matthew), Tim Schneider & Morgan (baby boy, born in January), Tiffany
• Our residence-bound members: Murray Leonardson, Mike Rivera
• Our Military men and women – especially Carrington Hessell, Spencer Moore, and Jay Rippel - that they may know God’s presence and protection; for those who would like to write or send a care package to Jay, his address is: 1SG Jay Rippel, Salerno Hospital, FOB Salerno, APO AE 09314. Care package info is available on the back table.
• Families and friends of our military troops - that they may be blessed with God’s peace and reassurance, especially Carrington’s mother, Gloria, and family; the Moores; and Jay’s wife, Beth Anne, & their two daughters; victims of warfare & violence worldwide
• The power of the peace & love of Christ to subdue everywhere the spirits of hatred, hostility, unforgiveness, cruelty, vengeance, and warfare
• Those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, & those who have sacrificed their well-being and lives for the peace & liberties we enjoy.
A SINCERE THANK-YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE ALREADY OFFERED THEIR INDIVIDUAL SHARE OF THIS SUPPORT. If you have not yet supported this effort, and are able to do so over and above your regular giving, you may place your share ($75 per active member) in the offering plate, clearly designated for this purpose, or you may give it in as many increments as you wish over the remaining weeks or months of this year.
A hearty “thank-you” to those who have already contributed to help defray the $25,000 expense of completing the much-needed new roof on the Christian Education Wing of our building. As a token of your generosity, please help yourself to a shingle from the “Shingle Tree” on display on the back table of the Sanctuary. KRC’s Property Ministry is still seeking support for this project, and contributions may be dropped in the offering plate clearly designated for this purpose.
Email Address –
Website Address –
Rev. Rudy is scheduled to be in his church office
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings.
If you wish to meet with Pastor during these times,
please call ahead for an appointment.
Evenings have been set aside for meetings, pastoral visitations, and counseling.
For assistance on Mondays, please call 758-9703 or 859-4158
Church Phone 758-6401 Church Fax 758-6402
Phone messages are picked up several times daily.
If you need immediate assistance anytime, please call 859-4158.
Pastor Rev. Rudy Visser, President of Consistory, Classis Delegate
Jane Deane, Missions, Assistant Treasurer – ’10 758-7051
Patrice Lyons, Stewardship, Pastoral Relations – ’10 758-8400
Loren Speer, Property – ’11 784-2901
Dawn Tuttle, Church Family, Clerk of Consistory – ’11 758-6031
Arnie March, Personnel, Pastoral Relations – ’10 758-6066
Ann VanBuren, Vice President of Consistory, Cemetery, Worship,
Classis Delegate – ’11 758-9703
Dawn VanBuren, Evangelism – ’11 758-7564
Patti Varga, Christian Education – ‘10 758-1266
KRC Treasurer KRC Secretary
Barbara Vosburgh – 758-6512 Paul Clause – 859-4158
Cemetery Supervisor/KRC Sexton
Greg Clause – 369-8472, 758-1338
If you become aware of a housekeeping item that is being overlooked and needs to be addressed, kindly bring this to Greg’s attention by leaving a note in his church mailbox or on the clipboard on the folding doors in the downstairs hallway.
KRC’s Community Prayer Group invites you to join us at 9 a.m. Tuesday mornings in the conference room kitty-corner from the church office. If you prefer not to pray aloud, we are delighted to have you join in prayer with us silently. We have a scripture, and pray for the pastor, consistory, our ministries, Sunday School, our youth, and illness and troubles in our families, church, and the world. We use unspoken requests to unload the cries of our hearts on the One who can do all things and do them well.
KRC has a lot of good cooks, and the Stewardship Ministry is working toward producing a cookbook to share all those good recipes. A cookbook was done years ago, and it is comforting to read the names of those folks who contributed and to remember them once again. Now is your chance to live on in memory for many years to come and to share that good cooking. (Do be careful to be accurate.) Bonnie Dunham will begin collecting and organizing our recipes. Hand them to her personally, e-mail them to (Please note correction to Bonnie’s e-mail address – there is no “e” or “i” in it.), or send recipes to 13 Eichybush Road, Kinderhook, N.Y. 12106. My, what good eating we will have!!!
Coming Events
Today, August 22
9:30 am Worship and Children and Worship
Mon, August 23 - 27 2010 Vacation Bible School @ KRC
9:00 am – Noon daily
Tues., August 24 - 9:00 am Community Prayer Group meets @KRC
Sat., August 28
Saturdays through October 9, 10 am to Noon,
free guided tours of the KRC Sanctuary
Sun., August 29
9:30 am Worship and Children and Worship
12:00 noon KRC Annual Church Family Picnic @ the Tuttles’
Tue., September 7 - 7:00 pm Missions Ministry meets
Tuesdays, Sept. 7, 14, & 21, and Wed., Sept. 29
2:00 pm Christian Women’s Club Webnar, KRC Sanctuary
(Watch for details in upcoming bulletins.)
Sun., September 12 - Communion Worship
Please Note:
Watch for Sunday School opening date and time to be announced soon.
Servers Next Sunday, August 29, 2010
Ushers: Derrick Latorre, Bob Laffety, Steve Shpur, Bob Wildermuth
Greeter(s): Patti Varga and KRC Youth Group
Nursery: Sally Heimroth
Lemonade Stand: Maureen Mooney
Children and Worship: