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August 4, 2013

Kinderhook Reformed Church

Route 9 & Church Street, Kinderhook, NY

Worship Service for August 4, 2013, Rev. Rudy Visser, Pastor

“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”                                                                            


You are invited to sign our Guest Book at the church entrance and to fill out a pew card and place it in the offering plate.  We would like to get to know you better, and all are invited to enjoy fellowship and refreshments at the Lemonade Stand hosted by Jane Deane on the front lawn following Worship.

Ushers:  Ted Call, Jerry Flansburg, Arnie March, Glenn Warren

Greeter(s):  Jim and Bonnie Dunham

Preschool Nursery facility is available downstairs.


  Prelude                      Allegretto non troppo, op. 116, no. 1                  Albert Renaud        

  Welcome and Announcements

  Call to Worship (Responsive)  Based on Psalms 66

Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name;

make his   praise glorious! Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!

So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you. 
        All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you,

        they sing praise to your name.
Come and see what God has done,

how awesome his works on man’s behalf!
        Praise our God, O people, let the sound of his praise be heard;

        he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. 
You, Lord, are worthy of glory and praise!
        Shout with joy to God, all the earth!

*Hymn of Praise #62                                                    Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
  Morning Prayer

  Song of Submission and Confession (Video)        

  Prayer for Illumination and Scripture Lesson                       Hosea 11:1-11 (p. 642)

  Message                                                                                             "A Magnificent Love"

  Prayer of Thanks

  In Preparation for Communion (Video)

  Sacrament of Communion

*Hymn #632                                                                                              The Lord's Prayer

  Pastoral Prayer

  Presentation of Tithes and Offerings/Offertory         Modéré         Charles Gounod

*Doxology, #809

  Prayer of Blessing

  Hymn of Devotion and Reassurance #622             What a Friend We Have in Jesus

*Benediction, Blessing, and Response Hymn         My Friends May you Go in Grace

  My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.

My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen. (2x)

  Postlude                                   Choral, op. 37, no. 4                                 Joseph Jongen


Kindly pick up your mid-year contribution statement

now available on the back table of the sanctuary.

 Statements are in alphabetical order for your convenience.


~A Special Thank You to the Congregation!~

Susan Lamont sends her sincere thanks and appreciation for the generosity of the Kinderhook Reformed Church during her difficult time.  Again, THANK YOU!


* Coins for Compassion Boxes

may be placed in the offering plate on any Sunday. *


 Seeking Singers for

Community Church Choir

Rehearsal Place:

St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Valatie, NY

Rehearsal Start Date:

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Rehearsal Start Time: 12:30 pm

       We’re seeking singers for a one-time Community Church Choir event. This choir will be part of a Christian Music Night that will be held the Valatie Community Theater on September 7, 2013, at 8:00 pm. Additional Christian music will be performed by other groups that night, so our community choir members will be both participants and audience.

       The community church choir will be Soprano-Alto-Tenor-Bass (SATB) in format and will be directed by Edward (Ted) Fiebke, choir-director at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church. The first rehearsal will begin on Sunday, August 11, 2013, at 12:30 pm, and will be held in the choir loft at St. Luke’s Church. Additional rehearsal dates and times will be planned at that time.

       The goal? Simply to have a time of singing, fellowship and fun.  After each rehearsal, refreshments will be provided. For questions, please feel free to contact Ted Fiebke by phone - (518) 794-7799 or by email -


Cleaning out your attic or storage unit? Had a garage sale and now have items not sold? Should have had a sale but did not? The Reformed Dutch Church of Schodack at Muitzeskill is still accepting items for its annual Mini-Market through Tuesday evening of this coming week, and any donations may be left in the Muitzeskill church’s pavilion.  The Mini-Market will open this coming Saturday, August 10, at 9 a.m., and Chicken Barbecue (no reservations required, take-out or eat in the pavilion) will be served beginning at 4 p.m.  Cost of the barbecue is $10 for adults and $5 for kids under 12.


The church will opened for guided tours from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday mornings beginning August 3 through October 12. If you are willing to volunteer as a tour guide, help-sheets for noting points of interest within the sanctuary, recording the number of visitors, and opening and closing the church building are available to assist you in providing this outreach ministry.  If this appeals to you as a way to serve the Lord, please contact Jane Deane, 758-7051.


  SEPTEMBER 8    Last Sunday of joint summer Worship Services

                              9:00 am - Communion Worship Service

                            10:30 am – Brunch and Consistory Ministry Reports


SEPTEMBER 15   8:30 am - Early Worship Service Resumes

                            10:00 am - Worship Service

                                               Children’s Sunday School Resumes

 "THE OLDE DUTCH AND SUCH" CRAFTS GROUP meets on Fridays at 9:30 a.m. in the main floor classroom opposite the church office. We are creating new plans and new items for the 2013 KRC Bazaar, and OUR GROUP IS NOW LOOKING FOR OLD TEACUPS WITH SAUCERS, AND FOR SMALL DECORATIVE MASON JARS (lids not needed) TO USE IN MAKING SOY CANDLES.
     We are still very much in need of new members and new ideas.  Last year’s preparation workshops were full of fun, laughter, and good fellowship, and the bazaar was a huge success.  We warmly welcome you to join us in our efforts to make this year’s even better!

If you are willing to reserve Saturday, October 5, 2013 on your calendar for participating in the ministry of packaging 10,000 meals for the Stop Hunger Now Meal Packaging Program at Ghent Reformed Church, please sign on the sheet provided on the back table. The event will begin at 10:00 a.m. with a short time of devotions, followed by a brief gathering to learn about world hunger and the true blessings we have in our small community. Lunch is at noon, and the meal packaging process, which should take only about an hour and a half, will begin at 1:00 pm.


● General Synod Update from Tom De Vries, RCA General Secretary

● Information on the reopening this coming fall of Faith Christian Academy, Pre-school through Grade 12,  administered by  the Calvary Assembly of God Church in Stottville


 Rev. Joanna Tipple, former pastor at the Livingston Memorial Church in Linlithgo, is participating in a 3900 mile, 9-week bicycle ride which began June 21 in Los Angeles, and will end in New York City. Hosted by the Reformed Church in America, Partners Worldwide, and the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee/World Renew - an agency of the Christian Reformed Church in North America - the ride endeavors  to raise awareness of poverty and respond to the need.  Joanna will commit to raising $5,000, and is appealing to friends and relatives for pledges and prayers.  You can donate to help her reach her personal goal at  Additional information about Sea-to-Sea may be found on the back table.

Many KRC family and friends have, in the past, provided cut flowers for the pulpit in celebration of an anniversary or birthday, in honor of a special day or event, and in loving memory of family and friends who have passed away.  During the summer months, those of you who are gardeners are invited to arrange and display your own garden flowers on a Sunday of your choice.  If you are interested in providing flowers for a particular Sunday, please contact Dawn, 758-7564.

 Weight Watchers will have an OPEN HOUSE on Friday, August 16th, at 9:30 am at KRC in our Fellowship Room.  Come and see what Weight Watchers is all about; there will be no charge, and Weight Watchers refreshments will be served.  The new Weight Watchers session will begin on Friday, September 6th.  If anyone has any questions, please call the church office or Dawn Van Buren.


Isabelle Bosquet-Morra (2nd), Sara Schubert (3rd), Jessica Alessi (5th),

Jim Dunham (7th), Robert Bailey (15th), Dolly Petith (18th), Kathryn Hart (18th),

 Alan Dick (24th), Suzy Nieman (27th,), Melissa Welcome (28th),

 Thomas Carroll (28th), Erika Johnson (31st)


KRC’s 2013 Consistory members; KRC’s administrative ministries, chairpersons, and supporting members.
those who do not know Christ, or who are struggling in their faith;
KRC programs & projects and those planning & administering them: adult and children’s Sunday School; KRC’s youth; VBS; small group ministries; adult Bible studies; Community Prayer Group; outreach programs
our state and national leaders, that God will grant them the leadership skills, wisdom, and the personal protection needed to govern effectively and safely.
The country of South Africa as it faces the failing health of Nelson Mandela.
our missionaries: Dave and Char Alexander; Perry Jones and Capital City Rescue Mission, Alex and Fran Knauss, Maureen Menard, Dick and Carolyn Otterness, Brian and Bea Post, Seth and Melissa Rogati, Betty Ann Stedwell. 
our children sponsored through Compassion or other agencies..
our military men & women, that they may know God’s presence and protection.
families and friends of our military troops and victims of warfare, terrorism,  misunderstanding, and  violence worldwide,  that they may be blessed with God’s peace and the reassuring knowledge that he is in control.
those, especially children, suffering violence; exploitation; neglect; family hostility. 
families and friends grieving the loss of loved ones, especially: those grieving the loss of Joel Alan; Natalie & children grieving the loss of husband and father.  
Peter, just retired, now diagnosed with terminal cancer and given 1 month to live.  Remember also his wife, Carol, dealing with this devastating news.
Nancy Baker's mom, Vicki Metzger, much improved after being hospitalized last Monday with congestive heart failure and other life-threatening issues.  Many thanks for all of your prayers, and please continue to pray for Vicki's full recovery.
The O'Neil family, with both father and son dealing with multiple heath issues.
Carol, Diane Morgan's cousin, who has regressed and is again legally blind in one eye.  Pray that additional treatments will help to reverse this condition.
Dan McNeil, awaiting the results of a throat biopsy.
others awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness; chronically ill; or in hospice care:  Liz Carroll; Martha, friend of Noreen Dick; Jeannie Dunbar; Joe McCormick; Mary Ann Holmes; Craig Johnson; Joan Clause; Haley Hickman’s grandfather; Kevin; Debbie; Sue; Jean; Rose; Paul Varga; Barb; Blanche Rogers; Florence Rivera; Maureen Mooney; Nancy Swinyard; Laurie (Dunham) Maul; Jan; Faity Tuttle; Sara Schubert; Bea Post; Ruth Edge.
those battling or recovering from cancer, especially Mary Ann; Tom Kennedy; Jane Deane’s sister-in-law; Charlie Roppolo; Barbette Leclair; Paul Varga’s friend; John Warren; Patti and Diane; Uncle Tony; Jack; Guinda (LaHaie) Derrico; Jill Shpur; Rosanne; Connie; Helen Drumm; Sal Alessi; Tom Saulpaugh; Donna Scalera.
those facing challenges, conflicts, difficult decisions: the Richard Family; the Crawford Family; Jonathan, dealing with difficult personal issues; Olivia, that God will give her peace and guidance; Paul, that God will give him wisdom, determination, and peace in making and carrying out difficult decisions; the Royce Family; the Schuberts attempting to sell John’s mother’s home in Troy; Libby Little.
those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill, especially Diane Morgan.
residence-bound members, Murray Leonardson, Mike Rivera, Gordie Van Buren.


Pastor Rudy Visser, a Spirit-filled minister and leader of vision. 
all who serve KRC Ministries by meeting regularly, setting goals, preparing recommendations, and working together to complete projects and responsibilities.
Claudia March’s friend, Karen, who is 1-year addiction-free.
Safe experiences and travels for William and Thomas Carroll, recently in West Virginia  attending a Scout Jamboree.
Carly Rippel, able to speak in her normal voice after a long period of recovery.
Recent tests returning negative for John Bosquet-Morra.
His blessings of family, friends, and all the provisions for our basic life needs.
the wonderful ways God shows his love to us, especially during difficult times.
those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, & those who have sacrificed their well-being and lives for the peace & liberties we enjoy

Regular updates are needed on the progress or condition of all individuals on our prayer and praise lists, especially those whose names are in bold type.  Please forward this information, as well as new praise and prayer requests, to or call Paul at 859-4158.  If you are not on our email prayer list, and would like to receive prayer and praise requests through email, contact Paul to have your address added. If you do not have email, contact Jane Smith, 758-6442, to be put on the phone prayer chain.

MANY THANKS AND BLESSINGS TO THE KRC FAMILY FOR THEIR GENEROSITY IN SUPPORT OF THE VALATIE FOOD PANTRY.  Foods that are always popular and needed are evaporated milk; coffee; sugar; boxed cereals; pancake mix; syrup; jelly; canned meats, fruits, and vegetables; spaghetti sauce; pasta; mac & cheese; dinner helpers; apple sauce; juice; cake & brownie mixes. Donations may be placed in the collection containers available in the front and side entryways of the church.



Email Address –

Website Address –

Rev. Rudy is available at his church office

 Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday and Friday mornings.

If you wish to meet with Pastor during these times,

please call ahead for an appointment.

Evenings are set aside for meetings, pastoral visitations,

 and counseling.

For assistance on Mondays, please call 859-4158

Church Phone  758-6401                Church Fax   758-6402

Phone messages are picked up several times daily.

If you need immediate assistance anytime, call 859-4158.



  Pastor Rev. Rudy Visser, President of Consistory

Jane Deane – ’14,  Christian Education   758-7051

Noreen Dick – ’13,  Church Family    758-6640

Derick Latorre – ’14,  Stewardship / KRC Treasurer    376-1882

Patrice Lyons – ’13,  Outreach     758-8400

Dawn Tuttle – ’13,  Worship   758-6031
Maureen Mooney – ’14,  Outreach / Clerk    210-6079

Dawn Van Buren – ’13,  Cemetery / VP of Consistory    758-7564

Bob Wildermuth –’14,  Personnel / Pastoral Relations    828-0690

                John Schubert, Chairman, Classis Financial Committee


Today, August 4   Deadline for School Supply Donations to CCRM

      9:00 am  Communion Worship Service

    10:15 am  Adult Sunday School classes – Main floor conference and class rooms

                    Please note:  8:30 am and 10 am Worship services will combine                    

                                 and meet at 9 am through September 8.

Tues., August 6

     7:00 pm  Youth Group resumes

Thur, August 8

9:00 am  Small Group meets @ KRC
       Please join us as we continue our study of the book of Revelation.

    10:00 am  Community Prayer Group @ KRC

Fri.,   August 9

      9:30 am  Weight Watchers meet, KRC Fellowship Room

      9:30 am  Olde Dutch and Such Crafts Group meets opposite KRC office

Sat.,   August 10

      9:00 am  Annual Mini-Market,  Muitzeskill Reformed Church, Schodack

    10:00 am to Noon – Free guided tours, KRC’s sanctuary, Saturdays through 8/12

      4:00 pm Chicken Barbecue, Muitzeskill Reformed Church, Schodack

Sun.,  August 11

      9:00 am  Worship Service

    10:15 am  Adult Sunday School classes – Main floor conference and class rooms

    12:30 pm  Community Church Choir rehearsal, St Luke’s Lutheran choir loft

Fri.,   August 16

      9:30 am  Weight Watchers Open House, KRC Fellowship Room

      9:30 am  Olde Dutch and Such Crafts Group meets opposite KRC office

Fri.,   September 6

      9:30 am  Weight Watchers new session begins, KRC Fellowship Room

      9:30 am  Olde Dutch and Such Crafts Group meets opposite KRC office

Sun., September  8

      9:00 am  Communion Worship Service followed by brunch and

              Ministry reports from Consistory, KRC Fellowship Room

   Please note:  September 8 is the last Sunday of joint summer Worship Services.

           Children’s Sunday School resumes at 10 a.m. Sunday, September 15.

Sun., September 15

      8:30 am  Early Worship Service

    10:00 am  Worship Service - Children’s Sunday School resumes.

    11:15 am  Adult Sunday School Classes - Main floor conference and class rooms

Servers Next Sunday, August 11, 2013

       Ushers:  Sal Alessi, Derick LaTorre, Steve Shpur, Ken Sutherland

       Greeter(s):  Sue Patterson