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August 6, 2017

 Kinderhook Reformed Church Celebration of Worship, August 6, 2017

“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”

Rev. Rudy Visser, Pastor

A warm welcome to visitors.  We invite you to sign our Guest Book in the entranceway and fill out a pew card and place it in the offering plate.


Thanks to today’s ushers, Jim Baker, Merrill Johnson, Wayne Van Allen.

Thanks to today’s greeter, Joy Bertram

Nursery facility available downstairs.


  Prelude                   Improvisation Pro martyribus, op. 150                 Camille Saint-Saëns

  Welcome, Announcements

  God's Greeting

Drawing Near to God

  Call to Worship  (Responsive)   

Here we are Lord! We come into your house today praising your faithfulness,
       giving thanks for your mercy, seeking your joy.
Thank you for creating us and giving us life and breath today.
       Thank you for your son Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Thank you and the Holy Spirit whose presence here unites us as your people.
       Fill us with your peace today. Amen.

*Hymn of Praise #96                      Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus Our Blessed Redeemer!

  Morning Prayer

Allowing God to Shape Us

   Call to Confession

Ezekiel 18:32 reads:  “ ‘For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone,’ declares the Sovereign LORD. ‘Repent and live!’ “

   Prayer of Confession (Unison)

Father God, you are the one who leads us from darkness into light, from captivity into freedom, from anxiety into peace, from despair into joy.  Yet we long to break free, choosing independence, convinced of our own wisdom, forgetting your love and grace.  Forgive us, draw close to us, embrace us once again in your loving arms, and enable us to follow you in worship and grateful service each day of our lives. Amen.

  Assurance of Pardon 

Brothers and sisters, hear and believe 1 Corinthians 1:8-9:  “God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 

Coming before God’s Open Word

  Prayer for Illumination 

  Scripture                                                                                                                              Psalm 16

  Message                                                                                                  “Running Towards God”

  Prayer of Blessing


Celebrating God, His Abundance, and His Care

Hymn of Preparation  (Screen)                                                  Break Thou The Bread Of Life

Sacrament of Communion

Hymn of Devotion  #100 vs. 1&2                                                              My Jesus I Love Thee

Offering/Offertory - Duet      Close to Thee - Words by Fanny Crosby, music by Silas Vail

Deborah Spaulding, soprano; Nancy Baker, alto

*Doxology #809                                                   Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here below.

Praise him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

*Offertory Prayer  (Unison)

Receive and bless these gifts and our lives, O God, which we offer in response to your steadfast love.  As your son, Jesus, transformed people's lives, so may the lives of others be transformed through these gifts, through our love, and through our witness.  In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.   

  Prayer Requests, Pastoral Prayer, and The Lord’s Prayer

*Closing Hymn #477                                                                             O The Deep, Deep Love

*Benediction, Blessing, and Response Hymn           My Friends May You Grow in Grace My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.

My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen. (2x)

  Postlude                          Prelude and Fugue in F major, BWV 556                       J. S. Bach


TODAY is Communion Sunday, which has been designated for the presentation of gifts, over and above regular giving, to the Benevolent Fund.  Please support this important ministry which provides assistance to needy church family and community members.     


 KRC strives to be accessible to all handicaps.  As the elevator project provided relief to those with mobility issues, we would like to update our speaker system for those with hearing impairments, so that they too, may easily hear the weekly message.  After obtaining four price quotes, a service was found which would cost $8,000.  A donor has already made a pledge, but we are in need of approximately $3,000 more to reach our goal.  This system provides new speakers, wireless headsets and headphones linked to the sound system, and would even allow hearing aides to be tuned directly in for easy access!  Thank you in advance for considering a donation to this project.


                                       ”NEW DIRECTION” WELLNESS CLASS                                  ~               

KRC is offering a FREE 8-week class to improve wellness.  Class will be led by Amy Deweerd, licensed health coach.  A variety of topics will be covered from nutrition to sleep hygiene to stress reduction.  Classes started this past Wednesday, and will continue to meet from 6:30pm - 7:15pm on Wednesday nights through September 20.  Register by calling Amy, (518) 522-4264.



The Reformed Dutch Church of Schodack at Muitzeskill will hold its annual Mini-Market THIS COMING SATURDAY, AUGUST 12. The Mini-Market opens at 9:00 a.m., while the BBQ will be served between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. BBQ price: adults $12.00, children under 12 $6.00.  Reservations are not needed, but BBQ is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Take out is available.  Questions? Call 732-2471.   The church is located at the intersection of Muitzeskill Rd. and Schodack Landing Rd., in the town of Schodack Landing.




Many KRC family and friends have, in the past, provided cut flowers for the pulpit in celebration of an anniversary or birthday, in honor of a special day or event, and in loving memory of family and friends who have passed away. During the summer months, those of you who are gardeners are invited to arrange and display your own garden flowers on a Sunday of your choice.  If you are interested in providing flowers for a particular Sunday, contact Dawn, 758-7564.




Dave and Char Alexander, RCA missionaries, Taiwan;

Alight Pregnancy Center, Hudson

Perry Jones and Capital City Rescue Mission, Albany

Compassion International, KRC-Sponsored Children:

Evelin Chuquinia, 15, Bolivia              Giulbert Muguna, 18, Kenya

Alex and Fran Knauss, Trans-World Radio

Maureen Menard, Youth with a Mission

Dick and Carolyn Otterness, RCA missionaries, Hungary

Brian and Bea Post, Wycliffe Bible Translators

Seth and Melissa Rogati, missionaries, Young Life Ministry, St. Thomas

Betty Ann Stedwell, Christar International Mission





Sara Schubert (3rd), Jim Dunham (7th), Carly Rippel (13th),

 Dolly Petith (18th),

Dolly celebrates her 91st birthday!

Jean Hurst (27th), Suzy Nieman (27th,), Melissa Welcome (28th),

Thomas Carroll (28th), Erika Johnson (31st)




At this year's “Hero Central” Vacation Bible School, kids will take on awesome adventures alongside some of their favorite Bible heroes and discover the qualities that make us truly heroic in God. VBS Hero Central uses epic music, spectacular science, crafty crafts, heroic recreation, and fantastic Bible stories to help kids (and leaders) discover their strength in God! Open to kids ages 3 (potty trained) to Grade 8. VBS Runs from 9-noon each day, August 21 - 25.  No fee to attend, but please register in advance if you can so we'll have enough supplies for everyone! Registration forms available at both Kinderhook and Muitzeskill Reformed churches, at the Cross Eyed Owl Gift shop, or you may call KRC at 758-6401 to register.

VBS families and friends are invited to a “Back-to-School Bash”

2 – 5 pm Saturday, August 26, at Muitzeskill Reformed Church located at the intersection of Muitzeskill Rd. and Schodack Landing Rd., in the town of Schodack Landing.  Free bounce house, games, prizes, face painting, treats, and school supplies will be offered for every child!


Stop Hunger Now, which has recently rebranded itself “Rise Against Hunger,” packages and ships food and 
life-saving aid to the world’s most vulnerable people and works to end global hunger in our lifetime.  This 
year, nearly 60 million meals will be packaged and distributed to needy locations around the world.  A 
FELLOWSHIP THAT YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS!  A group of 40 to 50 volunteers (any age) can package over 10,000 
meals in just two hours.  Our local packaging event will take place Saturday, September 9, at the Kinderhook 
Town Hall (formerly Martin H. Glynn school) on Church Street in Valatie, during which we hope to pack 20 – 30 
thousand meals.  Plan to save this date on your calendar and to lend a helping hand to this extraordinary 
ministry. Donation baggies and canisters are now available on the back table of the sanctuary to take home for 
saving up your contributions, and you are encouraged to take canisters to work or to businesses willing to 
display them. A donation of 29¢ buys one meal, $29 one hundred meals, $290 one thousand meals.

The Annual Brooks BBQ will be held on Wednesday, September 27th.  There will be chicken, potatoes, coleslaw and
 rolls, with homemade desserts.  All proceeds will benefit our cemetery maintenance.




In the month of May, the Pantry served 74 families, including 33 seniors, 142 adults, and 90 children.  In June, 73 families were served, including, 27 seniors, 144 adults, and 98 children. Non-perishable foods always popular at the Pantry are evaporated milk; coffee; sugar; boxed cereals; pancake mix; syrup; jelly; canned meats, fruits, and vegetables; spaghetti/spaghetti sauce; mac & cheese; dinner helpers; apple sauce; juice; cake and brownie mixes. Donations may be placed in the collection containers available in the entryways of the church.




  • those who do not know Christ or who are struggling in their faith journey. Pray also that God will provide opportunities for us to witness for Jesus, and give us the courage and winsome words needed to make the most of these opportunities.
  • Pastor Rudy and Rev. Paige Convis, KRC’s associate pastor, as they fulfill their ministerial duties.
  • KRC ministries, programs & projects and those planning & administering them: KRC’s Consistory; KRC’s administrative ministries; KRC’s Youth Group; VBS; KRC’s small group ministries and Bible studies; Community Prayer Group; 1st Friday, and other outreach programs.
  • our state, national, and world leaders, especially President Donald Trump and all of the new government officials now in office, that God will grant them the leadership skills, wisdom, and the personal protection needed to govern effectively and safely.
  • our military men & women, their families, and friends, that they may know God’s presence, protection, and peace, especially Jason Lansing serving in S. Korea.
  • victims world-wide suffering natural and other hardships and tragedies: famine, earthquakes, and other climate-related disasters; economic instability; poverty, hunger, and poor health; political oppression, unrest, terrorism, war, displacement.
  • those grieving the death of loved ones.
  • those who, even after many years, still hurt from the void left by loved ones who have passed on from this world.
  • reassurance, peace, and dignity for loved ones nearing the close of this life.
  • Jack Lyons, Patrice's father-in-law, who is in ICU in Florida.  Pray for God's presence and healing for Jack, and for travel mercies for Patrice's husband, John.
  • Steve Canfield, following recent intestinal surgery; Steve is not recovering as quickly as expected, and prayer is needed for a speedy healing.
  • Barbara Vosburgh, recovering at home following placement of two coronary stents; please pray for Barbara’s speedy return to full health and her normal routine of activity.
  • The brother of Coleen, Mark Johnson's partner, recuperating at home but still weak after spending a few weeks in ICU in Florida. Pray that he will know God's strength and healing power.
  • Donna Scalera, who has been battling cancer for several years.  Pray for God's comfort, strength, and peace for Donna and her family caregivers.
  • Ruth Edge, too weak to be in worship with her church family for some time, will be undergoing tests.  Pray for a speedy diagnosis and effective treatment for Ruth.
  • Jean Wildermuth, recovering from recent eye surgery which requires a significant period of complete immobility for proper healing. Pray for a speedy and complete recovery for Jean, and for God's reassurance and peace for both her and Bob.
  • Rob and Judy Aciero, friends of Cricket and Glenn Warren. Rob is recovering from surgery this past week to address a possible blockage in the arm in which he receives dialysis. He also needs to have his heart "shocked" because it is not working effectively despite several surgeries, but this problem cannot be addressed until his dialysis is working properly.  Please pray for a speedy resolution of these difficult health issues for Rob, and for God's strength, reassurance, and peace for both him and for Judy as his caregiver.
  • Sara Schubert, recovering at home from a broken nose and cheekbone suffered in a recent fall.
  • Merrill Johnson, recovering from a recent fall.
  • others awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness; or chronically ill: Brian Baxa, Phil Morse, brother of Kay Haber, Chris, Elize Visser’s dad; Carol Zincio; Christopher Dick; John and Cathy; Amy Deweerd; Virginia Rothermel; Art Gross; Harriet Stockhoff; Jean Skipper; Floyd Haber; Paul Varga.
  • Connie Witkowski, mother of Laura, a friend of Cricket Warren.  Connie was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on an ovary and had previously been diagnosed cancer free after treatment for bladder cancer. 
  • Others battling or recovering from cancer or in hospice care: Michael; Don Morse; Jill; J.B; Jen; Bill, Janet Smith's brother; Ronny; Ron Dick; Donna Scalera; Kim Helm; Carol Nel; Paul Osborn; Jeff Peter; Mark; Ann; Steve; Dorothy Wheeler.
  • Our graduates, challenged by higher education, career choices, and job searches.
  • those facing challenges, stressful circumstances, and difficult decisions: the Clause family, in need of spiritual, mental, and physical healing, as well as for other families with these needs; Nancy Baker and her mother, Vickie Metzger; Stacey Baker; Vince Beaudoin; Libby Little-Saxton, working with refugees; the epidemic of addiction to heroin and other substances.
  • residence-bound KRC family, George Clowe, and those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill.


  • Pastor Rudy Visser, our Spirit-filled minister and leader of vision, and for the Christ-centered messages God gives to Pastor each and every Sunday for the spiritual nourishment and growth of our church family. 
  • the inspirational ministries of our guest preachers, Perry Jones, Tom McCrossan, John Bowen, Derek DeJager and others who lead worship at KRC from time to time.
  • those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, and those who have sacrificed their wellbeing and lives for the peace & liberty we enjoy.
  • Sally Heimroth, recovering steadily from recent open-heart surgery and able to be back in church worshiping with her church family.  Please continue prayers for Sally's complete return to full health and activity.
  • Virginia Rothermel and Pat Arnold, who each recently celebrated their 90th birthday!
  • all those of KRC's family and friends who volunteer their time, talent, and energy so generously and so selflessly to the various ministries and programs of our church, and who often do this quietly behind-the-scenes with little notice or recognition.
  • His provision for all of our basic life needs, and the wonderful ways God shows His love to us, especially during difficult times.


Regular updates are needed on the progress or condition of all individuals on our prayer and praise lists, especially those whose names are in bold type.  Please forward this information, as well as new praise/prayer requests, to or call 859-4158. 



All of us from time to time, as members and friends of the KRC family, have had concerns and issues about church policies; Consistory decisions; order and times of our worship services; the preaching ministry; and sometimes even issues and concerns related to our interpersonal relationships within the church family.  We would like you to know that the Elders are available to speak with you about any concerns you may have and invite you to contact them at any time.




Pastor Rev. Rudy Visser, President of Consistory


Jane Deane  ’17  Outreach, Cemetery. . . . . .  758-7051

Noreen Dick  ’18  Church Family . . . . . . . . . . . .758-6640

Patrice Lyons – ’17  Property.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758-8400

Beth Anne Rippel ’18  Stewardship  . . . . . . . . 392-5044


Merrill Johnson’18  Worship      . . . . . . . . . . . . 828-6726

Dawn Van Buren ’18  Pastoral Relations . . . .758-7564

Patti Varga  ’17  Christian Education, Outreach,

                                Consistory Vice President . .755-3054

Barbara Vosburgh  ’17 Personnel, Clerk. . . . .. 758-6512




Derick LaTorre – 376-1882



                                           KRC STAFF

                KRC Office Manager              KRC Office Assistant          

            Paul Clause – 859-4158      Courtney Wood – 852-7172

                 KRC Interim Sexton           KRC Cemetery Supervisor        

              Elize Visser – 758-9311         Greg Clause – 369-8472