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December 19, 2010

Kinderhook Reformed Church Worship Service
10:00 a.m. December 19, 2010 - Fourth Sunday in Advent
Route 9 and Church Street, Kinderhook, NY
“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”
The Rev. Rudy Visser, Pastor

You are invited to sign our Guest Book at the church entrance and to fill out a pew card and place it in the offering plate. We would like to get to know you better, and invite you to enjoy fellowship and refreshments with us downstairs in the Fellowship Room immediately following Worship.

Ushers: Alan Dick, Eric Herrmann, Merrill Johnson, Lere Visagie
Greeter(s): The Moore Family
Preschool Nursery is available downstairs, Becky Alessi supervising.

Donations are now being accepted for the Christmas poinsettias
decorating our pulpit area. Your gifts are greatly appreciated.

Order of Worship

God’s Children’s Approach

CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive)
We, the unsuspecting and unlikely, are drawn here together by a promise.
The angel’s promise interrupted
a bridegroom’s private doubts and insecurity.
An unwed pregnant teenager’s fears diminished with the angel’s promise.
A baby in a womb leapt for joy
at the sound of her voice and the promise.
“I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way, a voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’ ” (Mark 1:2-3)
He Came. He Is Come. He Is Coming.
Leader: On this fourth Sunday in Advent, we remember the angel Gabriel’s proclamation that God’s love for the world would be revealed in a child that would be born to a young girl of low estate.
People: But the way this love was revealed
was totally unexpected - even scandalous.
Leader: By coming in human flesh, God let the world
see into the very heart of the Creator of the Universe.
People: From the One who came into the world on that first Christmas,
we learned the extent of God’s love, and we also learned that each of us
is a truly-beloved child of the Almighty.
Leader: We now light this candle - the Candle of Love, symbolizing our longing for the day of Christ’s return; symbolizing the amazing love of God shown through Christ. Come Lord Jesus.
Leader: Let us join in prayer.
Prayer: Loving God, while we patiently wait for Christ’s coming again,
help us to marvel on the fact that your love for each of us knows no
bounds. May this love, now be mirrored in all aspects of our lives as we
freely share it with others. This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

*HYMN #173 (verses 1 and 3) O Come All Ye Faithful

Advent is a season of great anticipation. Let us acknowledge our own sin also even during this time expectation and hope. Let us give God the gift of our honest and humble confession.
Loving Lord, Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Instead of letting our voices cry out in the wilderness, our cries have been weak and halfhearted. Instead of proclaiming the gospel with conviction, we have shrugged and stammered. Instead of clothing ourselves in humility and faith, we have put on power and prestige. Instead of giving you the glory, we have puffed ourselves up with pride. Forgive us, O God.
[Silent Prayer of Confession]
Transform us for authentic and wholehearted discipleship. In Jesus’ name. Amen
“Comfort, O comfort my people,” says our God. “Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry to her that she has served her term, that her penalty is paid, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” Friends, believe the good news! In the grace and love of God, we are forgiven.
*PRAISE SONG #146 (verses 1 and 4) Joy to the World
VIDEO CLIP - P Is for Promise
Pictures done by Sunday School students & readings by their parents
*PRAISE SONG #147 (verses 1, 2, and 3) Away in a Manger
God’s Opened Word
SCRIPTURES Matthew 1:18-25 (p. 681)
MESSAGE “The God Who Sleeps Over”
God’s Children Celebrating Him
THE SAVIOR THAT GOD SENT – KRC Youth and Sunday School students
*HYMN #171 (verse 1 only) Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
God of infinite love, you have blessed us with the greatest gift of all, your Son, Jesus, whose birth is the fulfillment of all your promises to humankind. In the light of your supreme grace toward us, we present ourselves and these gifts to you to be sanctified for the purpose of proclaiming and living the Gospel of Christ. Amen.
*HYMN #152 (verses 1 and 4) Angels We have Heard on High
*BENEDICTION and RESPONSE - My Friends, May You Grow in Grace
My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.
My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen.
To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen.
Following Worship, all are invited to a reception downstairs
to celebrate God’s gift of our children
and their dedicated Sunday School leaders.


Orders for the 2011 calendars, featuring photographs of Kinderhook by Jim Dunham, are being accepted again today for a donation of $10 to benefit the Kinderhook Cemetery. To order one of these beautiful calendars (available in 3 styles) see or contact Jim, 758-6171.

From the Pastor's Desk

This year is quickly drawing to a close with Christmas now only a few weeks away. It frequently feels to me like a time of the year when things come together in very significant and wondrous ways. Our spirit of generosity seems a bit heightened and we are generally more intentional about engaging others in service and fellowship. As we revisit the past year, experience Christmas, and ponder the year ahead, we often become aware of where we are and where we want to go in life and in our journey with the living God. This time a year ago we had some members who are here no more. Some have passed on, and some have simply left the church. Yet this December, God has added six new members to the KRC family of believers by affirmation of faith: Amy Clinton, Heather Donahue, Derick LaTorre, Angela Rivera Maycole, Doris Schmieder, and Andrew Welcome. In addition, five others have been added to our fellowship this past year by letter of transfer: Christopher Seftner, Harriet Simpkins, Elize Visser, Anna Marie Zietsman, and Paul Zietsman. All praise and honor to our God and King both now and in the coming year!
Christmas is a time to discover and re-discover who we are by becoming attuned to the generous and loving nature of God expressed in the gift of the Christ-child. It is a time to find ourselves by finding the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. My prayer for us and people everywhere is that the word of God’s redeeming love and grace might be heard in the silent night of Jesus’ birth.
The weeks ahead will be marked by celebrations of worship that attempt to re-acquaint us with the grand story of divine love we hear in the promises made by God through his prophets; in the pondering of Mary’s heart and the firm resolve of Joseph who so improbably believed the angel’s admonition not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife; and in the singing of a heavenly chorus praising God in the highest. The drama unfolds for us as we worship in memory of what God once did in Bethlehem, and in the sure and certain hope of what God will do yet again when his kingdom comes. May the glow of the Christ-child illumine your path this Advent season! Peace in Christ, Pastor Rudy


All those willing to help in the ministry of delivering Angel Tree gifts to individual children will meet with Sara Hartman (828-6368) TODAY FOLLOWING WORSHIP to organize gift distribution.

Not everyone is up and cheery for the Christmas holidays. Dealing with the death of a loved one, facing life after divorce or separation, coping with the loss of a job, living with cancer or some other disease that puts a question mark over the future, and a number of other human situations make parties and joviality painful for many people in our congregations and communities.
For people living through dark times, Kinderhook Reformed Church will be creating sacred space at a Service of Remembrance for reflection, meditation, and focus on Christ’s promises of healing and hope. Participants will be invited to come forward and light a candle in memory of someone or to mark a significant event in their life. The beautifully-decorated sanctuary will be filled with silent prayers, meditative music, and scripture readings. Please join us this evening as we come together in God’s presence for this time of reassurance.

As always, a highlight of the season of giving, and a special time to remember again and to express our joy, praise, and gratitude for the Gift of Jesus, Light of the World, from God the Father

Remember to Pray for
• Those whose families and friends are praying for their salvation or other spiritual needs
• The RCA General Secretary Search Committee requests, “Please include the search committee in your prayers every time you gather” - Wes Granberg-Michaelson, General Secretary of the RCA, will retire in the fall of 2011
• KRC’s Consistory members and administrative ministries
• New KRC programs & projects and those implementing and administering them: Natural Church Development; Angel Food; church restoration; KRC’s Christmas gift programs; Lessons and Carols; Service of Remembrance; Christmas Eve Candlelight Service; other Ministry projects
• Leaders of KRC’s Sunday School, Youth Group, Adult Bible Study, and Prayer Group as they administer programs over the next several months; and for those attending these programs
• Our state and national leaders, that God will grant them the leadership skills, wisdom, and personal safety needed to govern effectively
• Our missionaries; children sponsored through Compassion or other agencies
• Those, especially children, suffering abuses of war, exploitation, neglect, family violence, natural disaster
• Those grieving the loss of loved ones
• Gordie Van Buren, recovering at Albany Med following successful surgery Wednesday
• Those dealing with cancer: Carin; Kara Ennis Mobley; Lillian Roginski; Dawn Meyers; Melanie; Ed B.; Rylyn Swierzewski
• Others awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness; chronically ill; or in hospice care: Lauren Scalera; Dawn Van Buren; Matt; Vivian Williams; Blanche Rogers; Esther Baker; Stacey Baker; Elize Visser’s mother’ Irene Smith; John Hodgson; Karina Speer; Jack Taylor; Marie; Dorothy Novak; Christophe; Kris Morgan; Blanche Rogers; Ann Van Buren; Pastor Rudy; Tom Saulpaugh; Emese; Merrill & Erika Johnson; Priscilla Frisbee; George Clowe; Kathy Schneider’s father in Barnwell; Paul Varga; Earl Ennis
• The housemates of Yuchi Clause, grandson of Paul and Joan Clause, victims of the house fire in Catskill this past week, that their needs for shelter and other necessities will be met and that they will recover quickly from their loss and displacement
• Those facing challenges, conflicts, difficult decisions: Libby Little; the Riveras; the Vargas; local RCA and other churches consolidating or considering closing their doors permanently; caregivers of children with health or developmental issues; those facing employment/economic troubles, especially Rev. Michaelangelo, seeking a pastoral position; those struggling with substance abuse, especially Rachael, Greg L., Martin, & Andy; those suffering low self-esteem, discouragement, depression, despair, other emotional/mental health issues; those struggling with family relationships; young people dealing with the challenges of the school year, looking for jobs, dealing with the many temptations confronting young adults
• Those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill, especially Diane Morgan and John and Sara Schubert
• Our residence-bound members: Murray Leonardson, Mike Rivera
• God’s blessing on those recently engaged/married, expecting babies, new/first-time parents: Nicole, expecting her first child; Gary and Sarah (Hubel) March, Andrew & Melissa (Call) Welcome, recently married; new parents Kate (Little) and Chris Stevens (Baby Vivian Elise)
• Those who are traveling during the holiday season
• Our military men and women – especially Will Ryan, recently deployed to Afghanistan, Matt Plescia, Carrington Hessell, Spencer Moore, and Jay Rippel - that they may know God’s presence and protection
• Families and friends of our military troops, and victims of warfare & violence worldwide - that they may be blessed with God’s peace and reassurance;
• The power of the peace & love of Christ to subdue everywhere the spirits of hatred, hostility, unforgiveness, cruelty, vengeance, and warfare





Regular reports are needed on the progress or condition of all individuals on our prayer and praise lists. If you have updated information, especially regarding individuals whose names appear in bold print, please call the church office.




KRC’s Community Prayer Group invites you to join us at 9 a.m. Tuesday mornings in the conference room kitty-corner from the church office. If you prefer not to pray aloud, we are delighted to have you join in prayer with us silently. We have a scripture, and pray for the pastor, consistory, our ministries, Sunday School, our youth, and illness and troubles in our families, church, and the world. We use unspoken requests to unload the cries of our hearts on the One who can do all things and do them well.

Remember To Thank & Praise God for
• All who serve KRC Ministries by meeting regularly, setting goals, preparing recommendations, & working together to complete Ministry projects and responsibilities
• His blessing of a wonderful, caring, Spirit-filled pastor of vision such as Pastor Rudy, and for steady healing and improvement in Pastor’s injured elbow
• Kris Morgan’s speedy healing following successful surgery and negative test results
• His blessing of yesterday’s very beautiful organ and choral Christmas outreach program, “A Celebration of Lessons and Carols,” which proclaimed in song and word the Gospel of the birth of Christ; praise God also for all who contributed their time, talent, and energy to the success of this ministry to our community
• All those who participated in the CCRM Men’s, Star, and Angel Tree gift ministries – many will experience the joy of Christmas and a warmer winter due to your generosity
• The many who served in Candlelight Night’s very successful Open House Outreach ministry by providing refreshments, cookie decorating, tours, music, and caroling
• The compassionate care and great support of hospice nurses and volunteers
• The wonderful ways God shows his love to us, especially during difficult times
• Those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, & those who have sacrificed their well-being and lives for the peace & liberties we enjoy




For those who are using the envelope system to present tithes and offerings to the church, new envelopes for 2011 will be ready for pick-up up in the back of the sanctuary before the end of the year. Boxes will be labeled in alphabetical order by last name. PLEASE USE YOUR NEW ENVELOPES BEGINNING SUNDAY, JANUARY 2.






4 CARE packages have been sent out to Jay Rippel and his fellow soldiers serving near the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. Many thanks to all who contributed to this ministry.





Literacy Connections of Columbia and Greene Counties is actively seeking volunteers to help others in our community learn to read, write, and reach their potential. If you are interested in the rewarding role of becoming a literacy volunteer, call 518-697-8227 or 845-452-8670 or visit our website,





A SINCERE THANK-YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE ALREADY OFFERED THEIR INDIVIDUAL SHARE OF THIS SUPPORT. If you have not yet supported this effort, and are able to do so over and above your regular giving, you may place your share ($75 per active member) in the offering plate, clearly designated for this purpose.

In an effort to exercise the best possible stewardship in the use of our heating fuel, we are requesting that individuals and ministries using the church building make a special effort before leaving the church to be sure that the doors between the various heating zones are properly closed. All of these doors have signs posted on them as reminders, with the exception of the doors leading into the front and rear of the sanctuary, and the wooden folding door leading to the meeting rooms behind the pulpit and the third floor classrooms of the Christian education wing; these doors should be closed as well when the sanctuary and the meeting rooms are not in use. Thank you.

Email Address –
Website Address –
Rev. Rudy is scheduled to be in his church office
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.
If you wish to meet with Pastor during these times,
please call ahead for an appointment.
Evenings have been set aside for meetings, pastoral visitations, and counseling.
For assistance on Fridays, please call 758-9703 or 859-4158
Church Phone 758-6401 Church Fax 758-6402
Phone messages are picked up several times daily.
If you need immediate assistance anytime, please call 859-4158.


KRC Treasurer KRC Secretary
Barbara Vosburgh – 758-6512 Paul Clause – 859-4158
Cemetery Supervisor/KRC Sexton
Greg Clause – 369-8472, 758-1338

Coming Events

Today, December 19 – Fourth Sunday in Advent
10:00 am Worship and Sunday School Christmas Program
Angel Tree volunteers meet with Sara Hartman following Worship
to organize gift distribution – Sunday School room opposite church office.
11:15 am Adult Bible Study, main floor conference room
5:00 pm Service of Remembrance

Tue., December 21
9:00 am Community Prayer Group meets @KRC
7:00 - 8:30 pm KRC Youth Group meets

Thur., December 22
Please note: The ZUMBA fitness group will not meet on December 22.

Fri., December 24 8 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service

Sun., December 26
10:00 am Worship
Please Note: Sunday School is in recess Dec. 26 as well as Jan. 2.
11:15 am Adult Bible Study, main floor conference room



Servers Next Sunday, December 26, 2010
Ushers: Alan Dick, Eric Herrmann, Merrill Johnson, Lere Visagie
Please note: Ushers for December 26 are also scheduled to serve
as ushers at the 8 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service.
Greeter(s): Sara Hartman
Nursery: Heather Donahue