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December 24, 2013, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service - 7:00 P.M. Tuesday, December 24, 2013


“To Know Christ, and to Make Him Known”

~”The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.”  Isaiah 9:2 ~


Organ Prelude

From heaven high I come to you (trio, fugue)                         Johann Pachelbel

In dulci jubilo                                                                                        Marcel Dupre

The Congregation Carols the Story of Christ’s Birth

  HYMN  #133 (vs 1 & 3)                                           O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

  CAROL #170 (vs 1 )                                           It Came upon the Midnight Clear

  CAROL #162 (vs 1 & 2)                                                                      The First Noel

  CAROL #152 (vs 1 & 3)                                       Angels We Have Heard on High

  CAROL #173 (vs 1 )                                                            O Come, All Ye Faithful

The Gift of the Light

*CAROL #155 (All verses)                                           O Little Town of Bethlehem

*For those who are able, please stand.


         CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive)  Based on Psalm 76:4, Colossians 1:15

Let us come together to worship God, who is resplendent with light,

and to receive his Son, Jesus Christ, firstborn over all creation, the image of the invisible God who is the fountainhead of hope, peace, joy, and love.

  SOLO, Jon Morrell, tenor with Vicki Smith, soprano   Gesù bambino  Pietro Yon

  AROUND THE ADVENT WREATH (Responsive) Luke 2:1-14; Psalm 96:7-10

LEADER: We’ve come tonight for the warm light of the shining candles and for the familiar carols that herald the coming of the Light of the world. But remember the words of the psalmist:  “Give to the Lord, all families of the nation - give to the Lord glory and power!  Give to the Lord the glory due His name!  Enter His courtyards and bow down to the Lord in His holy splendor!  Tremble before Him, all the earth!”

PEOPLE:  On this Christmas Eve, we tremble at the wonder we remember together: God entered our world in the body of a poor child, born on a dark night in a chilly stable, with only a manger for His bed. God entered the world and took on human form to show us how to live in hope, peace, joy and love.

LEADER:  (Previous 3 purple candles and pink candle are lit.)

When we light the Christ candle, we remember the star above the stable. We celebrate the light coming into the darkness.  (White candle is lit.)

PEOPLE:  Glory to God in the highest! We thank You for the birth of our only true hope - Your Son, Jesus Christ, God with us.  Grant us Your peace! Grant us Your joy! Grant us Your love!  Amen.

*CAROL # 146                                                  Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come

The Power of the Light

  PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION  (Responsive)                                Katherine Hawker

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.  Captivated by the darkness, we ignore Your glowing ember.

Source of light, remind us again that You burn in our darkness, even here, even now.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not found it.

Intimidated by the glare, we hide from Your warmth.

Source of light, remind us again that You beckon in our darkness, even here, even now.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not compre-hended it.  Confused by the shadows, we misunderstand Your vision.

Source of light, remind us again that You blaze in our darkness, even here, even now.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not seized it. Com-

pelled by the light, we embrace Your promise.

Source of light, remind us again that You shine in our darkness, even here, even now.                                                           

   SCRIPTURE LESSON                                                                              Isaiah 9:2-7

   MESSAGE                         "Oh, How the Light of Christ Increases Our Joy!”


   DUET, Vicki Smith, soprano and Nancy Baker, alto

 “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd” “Come unto Him all ye that labour”

From Messiah        G. F. Handel

Celebrating, Welcoming, and Sharing the Light



Improvisation on Divinum mysterium

  A SONG OF PRAISE FOR CHRIST’S BIRTH  (Responsive)          Jennifer Phillips

In a little town of little fame, God’s holy child was born.

By the faint light of the moon, Mary and Joseph found their way.

We welcome Your Light!

Shown by a courtyard fire, the open stable door.

Warm breath of resting beasts, kindly sparkle in their eyes.

We welcome Your Light!

In the shadowy stable stall, Joseph kindled a lamp.

There Mary gave birth to Jesus, called God-With-Us.

We welcome Your Light!

Angels opened the doors of heaven, sang, “Glory to God in the heights!”

Shepherds saw the sky ablaze, left their sheep and came to see.

We welcome Your Light!

In the darkest winter night, God set a brilliant star.

Magi from the East divined God’s shining sign.

We welcome Your Light!

And on this night with joy, we greet the Child.

We welcome His Light!


*SHARING THE LIGHT - CAROL #164                             Silent Night! Holy Night!



In dulci jubilo, BWV 729         J. S. Bach



Guest Organist

David Smith



The Hickman Family - Fred, Angie, Haley, and Morgan


Jim Dunham, Barry Knights, and Gary Leggett
 Steve Shpur, Glenn Warren, Bob Wildermuth


Around the Advent Wreath

The Visser Family - Rudy, Elyse, Annake, and Liezl