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December 24. 2014, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service - 7:00 P.M. December 24, 2014


“To Know Christ, and to Make Him Known”


~”Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 ~



  Organ Prelude

  Weinachten (Christmas Eve), op. 145                                                  Max Reger



The Congregation Carols the Story of Christ’s Birth


  HYMN  #133 (vs 1 & 3)                                           O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

  CAROL #170 (vs 1 )                                           It Came upon the Midnight Clear

  CAROL #162 (vs 1 & 2)                                                                      The First Noel

  CAROL #152 (vs 1 & 3)                                       Angels We Have Heard on High

  CAROL #173 (vs 1 )                                                            O Come, All Ye Faithful


The Gift of the Light


         CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive)

O, that our tongues were like bells to ring out the joy
       And our hands like drums to beat a holy rhythm.
O, that our voices sounded like the heavenly choir,
       And our feet were young enough to dance through the night.
Open your hearts; raise your songs. 
      Give thanks and rejoice for Salvation,

      the Son of God, God’s True Light has been born.


LEADER:  On the eve of our Christmas celebration, Jesus’ birthday, we light all the candles of the Advent wreath. First we light the candle for HOPE because Jesus is our hope. Second, we light the candle for PEACE because Jesus is our hope and peace. Third, we light the candle for JOY because Jesus brings joy. Fourth, we light the candle for LOVE because Jesus is love. Finally, we light the center candle. This is the CHRIST candle. Jesus is born. Jesus has come. Jesus is our salvation.  Together we read from Galatians:

ALL:  “But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law.”  (Galatians 4.4)

LEADER:  Let us pray together.

ALL:  Great God of love and light, we thank you now for the light of that  special star over two thousand  years ago that guided humble

shepherds  and  learned wise men to the Holy Babe.   Lead us now,


by the light of your love, that we also may follow you to new life in

him. In celebration of the birthday of our King and our Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray.  Amen.

*CAROL # 146                                                  Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come

*For those who are able, please stand.


The Power of the Light

   READINGS, Isaiah 9:6 and 7

 Birgitta Sherman, Swedish; Patrice Lyons, Spanish; Erika Johnson, Hungarian;     

 Isabelle Bosquet-Morra, French; Pastor Visser, Afrikaans.

ALL: For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the govern- ment  shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonder-  ful, Counselor, The mighty God,  the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for-  ever.  The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. 

   DUET, Nancy and Stacey Baker       O Holy Night     John Dwight & Adolphe Adam

   PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION  (Responsive)                               Katherine Hawker

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 

Source of light, remind us again that you burn in our darkness.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not found it.

Source of light, remind us again that you beckon in our darkness.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not compre-hended it. 

Source of light, remind us again that you blaze in our darkness.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not seized it. Com-

pelled by the light, we embrace your promise.

Source of light, remind us again that you shine in our darkness, even here, even now.                                                              

   SCRIPTURE LESSON                                                                              Luke 2:1-14

   MESSAGE                                                     "Son of God, Love’s True Light”


   SOLO, Nancy Baker             I Wonder as I Wander           arranged by  John Rutter


Celebrating, Welcoming, and Sharing the Light



               Variations on a Noel             Andre Fleury


Leader:  The light has burst forth!

Rays of sparkling, glittering light have shattered the darkness.

Women:  Jesus Christ is born!
Men:  This is the prophesied event. The Messiah has come! 

Leader:  Nothing will ever be the same.

Women:  This child has been born for us and to us.

 He is God's gracious gift.

Men:  The hosts of heaven welcome his arrival.

 Let the celebration begin!
Leader:  As we come to know him, we come to know God.

Women:  Even his names speak truth into the world.
Men:  Amazing Counselor, Strong God.

Leader:  Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Women:  A new beginning has dawned!
Men:  He brings peace and justice for all peoples.

Leader:  God's righteousness has entered the human fray.
Women:  God's kingdom is inaugurated.
Men:  The darkness will never again obscure the light. 
All:  Jesus Christ is born!


*SHARING THE LIGHT - CAROL #164                             Silent Night! Holy Night!



  “Von Himmel hoch” (“From Heaven above”)                         Johann Pachelbel



Guest Organist - David Smith



The Hickman Family - Fred, Angie, Haley, and Morgan


Ted Call, Alan Dick, Jim Dunham,
 Jerry Flansburg, Glenn Warren, Chip Wood


Around the Advent Wreath

The Zietsman Family - Paul, Anna Marie, Paul, and Carien