Kinderhook Reformed Church
Route 9 & Church Street, Kinderhook, NY
Rev. Rudy Visser, Pastor
Worship Services for February 3, 2013
“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”
Rev. Rudy Visser, Pastor
A WARM WELCOME TO VISITORSWe would like to get to know you better, and invite you to sign our Guest Book in the entranceway and fill out a pew card and place it in the offering plate.
8:30 a.m. Celebration of Worship
Morning Prayer
*Morning Praise Our GOD Is Greater
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Lesson: John 15:1-8 (p. 764)
Message: "I Am the Vine; You Are the Branches!”
Prayer of Thanks
Sacrament of Communion
Offering and Prayer of Blessing
Intercessory Prayer
*Song of Devotion And Can It Be That I Should Gain
10 a.m. Celebration of Worship
All are invited to enjoy refreshments and fellowship
downstairs in the Fellowship Room following this Worship service.
Ushers: Jim Baker, Bob Dreier, Ben Hart, John Schubert
Greeter(s): Sara Hartman and Tanya Thompson
Preschool Nursery facility is available downstairs.
Guest Organist: David Smith
A warm welcome to our Scouts attending our service on Scout Sunday!
Prelude Grave; Adagio from Sonata No. 2 in c minor, op. 65 Mendelssohn
Boldly Approaching Our God Welcome and Announcements
*God's Greeting
Call to Worship (Responsive)
In the midst of our joy
God is.
In the midst of our sorrow
God is.
In the midst of our mediocrity
God is.
Let us lift up our voices in praise
as we come to worship the God in our midst.
*Morning Praise Hymn #20 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Call to Confession
Jesus says, “Follow me” and invites us to leave our old lives behind. Come, let us confess our sins. Let us put down all that binds us and keeps us from responding to him.
Prayer of Confession (Unison)
Searcher of Hearts, we look at our world and we shudder. Empty speech is praised. Noise is constant. "Moving up" is thought better than "moving together." Fear on the streets is tolerated and homelessness is accepted. We have condoned a lesser paradise, bought into false gods.
[Moment of silence]
Restore our courage to speak out for justice.
Work in our inner being so we may resist the shallow and the shameful. Plant in our hearts your love so we may know the heights of grace, the depths of care, and source of power. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
When we reach out to him, God comes near in love. When we humbly seek forgiveness, God responds with mercy and grace. In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and loved. Glory be to God. Amen.
Solo, Nancy Baker, alto Great Are You, Lord
Prayer of Blessing for Our Children (Unison)
Lord Jesus, may the hearts of our children be open to your eternal presence. May they know that when you are living within them, your goodness becomes their goodness in the eyes of God. May they be your light in this world, testifying without shame to your truth, and attracting many to the good news of your gifts of salvation and eternal life. Amen.
We Come Before God's Open Word
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Lesson John 15:1-8 (p. 764)
Message "I Am the Vine; You Are the Branches!”
Prayer of Blessing
Celebrating God
Sacrament of Communion
Honoring Our Scouts
Presentation of Our Tithes and Offerings/Offertory
Andante tranquillo from Sonata No. 3 in A major, op. 65 Mendelssohn
*Doxology and Offertory Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
*Closing Hymn #473 (verses 1, 3, & 5) And Can It Be That I Should Gain!
Hymn of Response My Friends, May You Grow in Grace
Postlude Fuga (Allegro moderato) from Sonata No. 2 in c minor, op. 65 - Mendelssohn
The Coffee Hour following our 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service has grown into a well-attended, enjoyable, and very valuable time of fellowship for the KRC family and visitors. At this time, only a few dedicated individuals are providing and serving the refreshments and beverages and seeing to the work of clean-up afterward. Volunteers are needed to help out in this ministry, and a sign-up sheet is available on the back table if you are willing to host or lend a hand with a Coffee Hour.
The Ichabod Crane High School Art Club is hosting the fifth annual “Empty Bowls” supper this Tuesday, February 5, from 4:30-6:30 pm in the ICHS cafeteria. The public is invited to enjoy a delicious simple meal at this community event and to take home a ceramic bowl made by Ichabod Crane students. The bowl serves as a visible reminder that people go to bed hungry every night. Admission by cash donation includes handmade bowl, soup, bread, and beverage. The ceramic bowls have been created by members of the Art Club and students in Ceramics classes at ICHS. All proceeds from this “Empty Bowls” supper benefit the Valatie Ecumenical Food Pantry. In case of bad weather, the snow date will be Thursday, February 7.
Laura Cannamela,
Ichabod Crane Central School Art Department Chair
An Ecumenical Ash Wednesday Service will be held here at KRC on February 13 at 7 p.m. Please reserve this date on your calendar and plan on attending this time of worship marking the beginning of the Lenten season.
The 9 a.m. Thursday morning small group is continuing its study entitled, Living on the Edge – Dare to Experience True Spirituality, by Chip Ingram. Mr. Ingram, pastor, teacher, author, and discipleship leader, presents in this study a proven pathway to becoming an “r12” (Romans 12) Christian disciple in the image of Christ. The group invites you to join them in the KRC conference room in what is certain to be a blessed and rewarding time of spiritual growth together.
"THE OLDE DUTCH AND SUCH" CRAFTS GROUP HAS BEGUN MEETING AGAIN ON FRIDAYS AT 9:30 A.M. in the main floor classroom opposite the church office. We are creating new plans and new items for the 2013 KRC Bazaar, and we are very much in need of new members and new ideas. Last year’s preparation workshops were full of fun, laughter, and good fellowship, and the bazaar was a huge success. We warmly welcome you to join us in our efforts to make this year’s even better!
The KRC Family will once again join forces to cook the free supper planned for Tuesday, February 26, at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Valatie. Anyone willing to lend a hand to this ministry (cooking, serving, clean-up) please sign up on the sheet provided on the back table.
Jayne Ferguson(1st), Filip Carroll (9th), Ashlee Olsen (21st), Angie Hickman(24th), Jackson Carroll (24th),
and John Schubert
Dear Friends,
This summer we have a special opportunity to shed light on poverty and raise funds for transformative ministries that help people overcome poverty - and we need your help. The RCA is partnering to host Sea to Sea - a 4,000-mile cross-continental bike tour through the United States and Canada beginning on June 21, 2013, in Los Angeles and ending nine weeks later in New York City. Through Sea to Sea, we hope to engage the body of Christ on behalf of those suffering from extreme poverty. We’re partnering with people and agencies who transform lives and communities worldwide, as well as raising funds to help local churches fight poverty.
Sea to Sea is a partnership of the RCA, Partners Worldwide, and World Renew/CRWRC. As cyclists trek across North America, Sea to Sea will highlight the anti-poverty ministries of the RCA, World Renew/CRWRC, Disaster Response Services, and Partners Worldwide, and will raise money to support that work. Additionally, 35 percent of the funds raised will be distributed to local church programs that assist people in poverty.
Cyclists are needed. Registration is open for cyclists who will ride the entire tour. If openings are still available this fall, cyclists will be able to join the ride for part of the trip. Visit www for details.
Your Church Can Help
We need the help of your church in order to best fight poverty through this bike tour. Please consider:
• Supporting a local ministry that fights poverty, and utilizing Sea to Sea to increase awareness of the ministry.
• Spreading the word about the ride and asking others to participate.
• Bringing awareness and enthusiasm to your church by posting promotional pieces; linking to from your church website; and putting announcements in your bulletin.
• Donating to cyclists at
Rev. Joanna Tipple, former pastor in the Columbia-Greene Classis, rode in Sea to Sea in 2008 and is planning on riding again in 2013. In order to be able to participate, each rider is required to raise funds, and Joann is asking for our assistance in this endeavor.
Find Out More
The Sea to Sea website outlines the route, volunteer opportunities, how to pray for cyclists, and more about this historic bike tour.
• Pastor Rudy Visser, a Spirit-filled preacher of the Word and leader of vision.
• all who serve KRC Ministries by meeting regularly, setting goals, preparing recommendations, and working together to complete projects and responsibilities.
• the good news that Jim Baker’s mom and dad are both doing well.
• the good report that Glenn Wallace is recovering at Sunnyview rehab following successful cardiac surgery.
• Frank Vosburgh’s improvement and return home from rehab this past Thursday.
• the joy of blessing the students of our growing Sunday School each Sunday morning as they go to their classes.
• His blessings of family, friends, and all the provisions for our basic life needs and much more.
• the wonderful ways God shows his love to us, especially during difficult times.
• those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, & those who have sacrificed their well-being and lives for the peace & liberties we enjoy.
Regular reports are needed on the progress or condition of all individuals on our prayer and praise lists. If you have updated information, especially regarding individuals whose names appear in bold print, please forward this information, as well as new praise and prayer requests, to or call Paul at 859-4158. If you are not already on our email prayer list, and would like to receive prayer and praise requests through email, please contact Paul to have your address added. If you do not have email, contact Jane Smith, 758-6442, to be included in the phone prayer chain.
• those who do not know Christ, or are struggling in their faith or with other spiritual issues.
• KRC’s 2013 Consistory members, especially those recently reinstalled or ordained and serving for the first time.
• KRC’s administrative ministries, their chairpersons, and supporting members.
• KRC programs & projects and those administering them: adult and children’s Sunday School; KRC’s youth; church restoration; small group ministries; adult Bible studies; Community Prayer Group.
• our state and national leaders, that God will grant them the leadership skills, wisdom, and the personal protection needed to govern effectively and safely.
• our missionaries: Dave and Char Alexander; Perry Jones and Capital City Rescue Mission, Alex and Fran Knauss, Maureen Menard, Dick and Carolyn Otterness, Brian and Bea Post, Seth and Melissa Rogati, Betty Ann Stedwell.
• our children sponsored through Compassion or other agencies..
• our military men and women, that they may know God’s presence and protection.
• families and friends of our military troops and victims of warfare, terrorism, misunderstanding, and violence worldwide, that they may be blessed with God’s peace and the reassuring knowledge that he is in control.
• Pastor Dan Herrick and the congregation of 2nd Reformed Church in Philmont at the loss of their church building to a recent fire.
• those, especially children, suffering natural disaster; the abuses of violence; exploitation; neglect; family hostility.
• families and friends grieving the loss of loved ones, especially: Donna Scalera and family grieving the recent loss of Donna’s mother, Mae Trout; those grieving the recent death of Don Berlin; Blas Ortiz and children grieving the recent death of wife and mother, Margie.
• Laurie (Dunham) Maul, recovering from surgery this past Friday in Boston to repair an arterial aneurysm; pray for a speedy and complete recovery for Laurie, and for Jim and Bonnie as they assist with the needs of Laurie and her family.
• Dolly Petith, recovering from a long bout with shingles.
• Dave Ennis and his family as decisions must to be made for managing the care of Dave's father, Earl, following his nursing-home discharge.
• those awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness; chronically ill; or in hospice care: Pastor Glenn Metzler; Mary Bridges; Frank Vosburgh; Faity Tuttle; Glenn Wallace; Kathy Varga; Tom Saulpaugh; Eleanor, mother of Patrice Lyons; Baby Savannah; Sara Schubert; Bert Beach; Bea Post; Ruth Edge; Blanche Rogers; Earl Ennis; Florence Rivera; Paul Varga.
• those battling or recovering from cancer: Melissa M; Stephanie; Ron Jensen; Patricia’s mother; Dick; Suzanne W; Jenny Kline; Betsey Klein; Jill Shpur; Rosanne & Connie; Helen Drumm; Sal Alessi; Donna Scalera.
• those facing challenges, conflicts, difficult decisions: Olivia, that God will give her peace, strength, perseverance, safety, and His direction; Paul, that God will give him wisdom, determination, and peace in making and carrying out the difficult decisions that are challenging him; the Royce Family; the Schuberts attempting to sell John’s mother’s home in Troy; Libby Little.
• those travelling, especially Dawn & Ted Tuttle and Maureen Mooney vacationing in Florida.
• those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill.
• our residence-bound members, Murray Leonardson, Mike Rivera, Gordie Van Buren.
“Do you know someone who lives alone, has a tendency to fall, or who is recovering from recent surgery? Such a person may benefit from the security of Ljfeline! This two-way emergency response system obtains immediate help for people when they are unable to help themselves. Eddy Ljfeline is offering FREE Lifeleline installations during February, but please be aware that after free installation, the monthly fee for this service is $38. You may help avoid a tragedy by calling The Eddy at 833-1040.
Pastor Rev. Rudy Visser, President of Consistory
Jane Deane – ’14, Christian Education 758-7051
Noreen Dick – ’13, Church Family 758-6640
Derick Latorre – ’14, Stewardship 610-8090
Patrice Lyons – ’13, Outreach 758-8400
Dawn Tuttle – ’13, Worship 758-6031
Maureen Mooney – ’14, Outreach / Clerk 210-6079
Dawn Van Buren – ’13, Cemetery / VP of Consistory 758-7564
Bob Wildermuth –’14, Personnel / Pastoral Relations 828-0690
John Schubert, Chairman, Classis Financial Committee
KRC Office Manager KRC Office Assistant
Paul Clause – 859-4158 Liz Carroll – 758-6034
Cemetery Supervisor/KRC Sexton
Greg Clause – 369-8472, 758-1338
Email Address –
Website Address –
Rev. Rudy is scheduled to be in his church office
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.
If you wish to meet with Pastor during these times,
please call ahead for an appointment.
Evenings are set aside for meetings, pastoral visitations, and counseling.
For assistance on Fridays, please call 859-4158
Church Phone 758-6401 Church Fax 758-6402
Phone messages are picked up several times daily.
If you need immediate assistance anytime, call 859-4158.
Today, February 3
8:30 am Early Worship Service
10:00 am Communion Worship Service and Sunday School
11:15 am Adult Sunday School Classes:
1st John study group meets in the classroom opposite the office.
Romans study group meets in the main floor conference room.
Mon., February 4
6:45 pm Outreach Ministry meets
Tues., February 5
7:00 – 8:30 Middle School Youth, Grades 6 – 8, “PRAY 3” at KRC
Thur, February 7
9:00 am Small Group meets @ KRC - Chip Ingram study,
Living on the Edge – Dare to Experience True Spirituality
10:00 am Community Prayer Group @ KRC
Fri., February 8
9:30 am Olde Dutch and Such crafts group meets opposite KRC office
Sun., February 10
8:30 am Early Worship Service
10:00 am Worship Service and Sunday School
11:15 am Adult Sunday School Classes:
1st John study group meets in the classroom opposite the office.
Romans study group meets in the main floor conference room.
Mon., February 11
6:30 pm Consistory meets
Wed., February 13
7:00 pm Ecumenical Ash Wednesday Service @ KRC
Tues., February 26 - KRC family cooks/serves free supper at St. Luke’s
Servers Next Sunday, February 10, 2013
Ushers: Ted Call, Jerry Flansburg, Arnie March, Glenn Warren
Greeter(s): Patrice Lyons