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February 7, 2016


“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”

Rev. Rudy Visser, Pastor

A warm welcome to visitors.  We invite you to sign our Guest Book

 in the entranceway and fill out a pew card and place it in the offering plate.




  The Lord’s Greeting, and Morning Prayer

*Morning Praise

  Scripture                                                                                                  Luke 9:28-43 (p. 733)

  Message                                                                            “Jesus - The Face of Good News”


  Offering and Prayer of Blessing

  Intercessory Prayer

*Closing Hymn and Benediction


    All are invited to enjoy fellowship and refreshments

downstairs in the Fellowship Room today following worship.


Thanks to today’s ushers, Ted Call, Jerry Flansburg, Glenn Warren, Chip Wood.

Thanks to today’s greeter(s), Patrice Lyons.


  Prelude             “Our Father who art in heaven” BuxWV 219             Dietrich Buxtehude

  Welcome,  Announcements, and God’s Greeting

Drawing Near to God

  Call to Worship  (Responsive)

Come and bow before your God;

       his name will be on the foreheads of his servants,

       and his servants will see his face.

Come and worship your God;

       his face is like the sun, shining in all its brilliance,

       and his glory is displayed in the face of Christ.

Come and praise your God;

       his light supplants the light of the sun,

       and his brilliance destroys the darkness of night.

*Hymn #103                                                                                                  Ye Servants of God


Allowing God to Shape Us

  Call to Confession  Based on 1 John 1

God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him, yet walk in the darkness, we do not live by the truth. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. Let us seek his forgiveness together.

  Prayer of Confession (Unison)   

Our Father in heaven, we thank you for sending your Son to bring us from the darkness of death into the light of your life. But we confess that we are helpless to live the new life that Christ calls us to live. We have seen your glory in his face and have lifted our hands to him in praise.  Yet our feet have still walked in the ways of sin and selfishness. We have seen your commandments in your word and know them well, but we have refused to see your face in the faces of the hurting, distressed, and needy.  Lord, we confess how hard it is to be your people. You have called us to continue the mission of Jesus to a confused and sinful world, and you have taught us how to carry it out.  But we have not listened or responded faithfully. Forgive us, O Father, and in the light of your glory and grace, grant us courage and strength to live a new life in you. In the name of the Savior Almighty, give us faith to believe that, with your help, we will not fail. Amen.

  Assurance of Pardon  (Unison)  1 John 1:9

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”  Praise be to God! Amen.

Coming before God’s Open Word

  Children’s Message and Prayer of Blessing (Unison)

Lord Jesus, draw each of these children face-to-face with you.  May they see your goodness, your love, and the glory of your divine presence in their lives; may they experience your power to renew and strengthen them; and may they be eager to share their knowledge of you with others.  Amen.

  Prayer for Illumination

  Scripture                                                                                                  Luke 9:28-43 (p. 733)

  Message                                                                             “Jesus - The Face of Good News”

  Prayer of Thanks

Celebrating God

  Sacrament of Communion

                                                                                        THE MEANING OF THE SACRAMENT

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we come to the table of our Lord in Remembrance, Communion, and Hope. 

We come in Remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was sent into the world so we might be saved through him.

We come to be in Communion with this same Christ who has promised to be with us always, even to the end of the world.

We come in Hope, believing that this bread and cup are a pledge and foretaste of the feast of love in the kingdom to come.

Since by his death, resurrection, and ascension Christ has obtained for us the life-giving Spirit who unites us all in one body,

so we receive this Supper in true love, mindful of the communion of saints.

                                                      THE INVITATION

This is the feast of the Lord’s Table, in which all who profess the Lordship of Christ in their lives are invited to share.  Come, for all things are now ready.

COMMUNION HYMN #115 (Verses 1, 3, & 4)  Fairest Lord Jesus


Let us lift up our hearts and give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is holy and right to lift up our hearts and give God thanks and praise.

It is with joy that we give thanks to you in all times and places, Almighty and Everlasting God. You have shown the fullness of your love by sending to us Jesus Christ our Lord, made flesh for us, for our salvation, and for reconciliation with you.  For this precious gift of your Son, we worship and sing praise to you, O God:

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

All thy works shall praise thy name in earth, and sky, and sea.

Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty! God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

Most righteous God, we remember in this Supper the perfect sacrifice offered once on the cross by our Lord Jesus Christ for the sin of the whole world.  In the joy of his resurrection and expectation of his coming again, send your Holy Spirit upon us, that we may offer ourselves to you as holy and living sacrifices, and proclaim this mystery of the faith:

Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again!

As this grain and these grapes are gathered from many fields and hills into one loaf and one cup, to be to us the communion of the body and blood of Christ, grant also that your whole Church may be joined together in him, attain unity in the faith, and soon be gathered from the ends of the earth into your Kingdom. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! And now, as Christ taught us, we pray together:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen.

                                                                        THE COMMUNION

The Lord Jesus, the same night he was betrayed, took bread; and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “Take, eat; this is my body which is given for you: do this in remembrance of me."

(Distribution of the bread)

The bread which we break is the communion of the body of Christ.

After the same manner also, he took the cup when they had supped, saying, “This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.”

(Distribution of the cup)

The cup of blessing which we bless is the communion of the blood of Christ.


We exalt and give praise to you, O God, and to your Only-Begotten Son and your Holy Spirit, for you are incomprehensible, everlasting, and changeless.  You have called us into being from nothingness, and when we fell away from you, you raised us up again, brought us back, and endowed us with eternal life in your heavenly kingdom.  For these things we offer to you a ministry of thanks, which you are pleased to accept even though myriads of angels and archangels stand before you, singing aloud the triumphant song, “Holy Lord, Hosanna in the highest! Heaven and earth are full of your glory!”  Amen and amen.

  Offertory                          “Dearest Jesus, we are here” BWV 634                        J. S. Bach

*Doxology and Offertory Prayer (Unison)

Gracious God, we give willingly, lest in gaining the world we lose life itself. As your servants, we seek your wisdom in using these resources to carry out your will and way after the example of Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen. 

  Prayer Requests, Pastoral Prayer, and The Lord’s Prayer

*Prayer Hymn (Insert, verses 1 & 4)  My Jesus, I Love Thee – Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus                                                                      

*Benediction, Blessing, and Response Hymn           My Friends May You Grow in Grace

  My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.

My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen. (2x)

  Postlude                             Fugue in C major BuxWV 174                     Dietrich Buxtehude


       Concerts in the Village (CITV) continues its sixth season at 2:00 p.m. TODAY, FEBRUARY 7, at the Jack Shainman Gallery: The School, 25 Broad Street Kinderhook, with Arthur Honegger’s powerful oratorio, King David, in its original 1921 orchestration. Led by David Smith, CITV’s Artistic Director and Conductor, this dramatic work will feature over 50 performers, including the Broad Street Chorale, the Broad Street Orchestra, soprano Amanda Boyd-Grout, mezzo soprano Vicki Smith, tenor David Rudnick, speaker Wendy Spielmann, and as Narrator, Benjamin Luxon.

       CITV is honored that Luxon will be delivering the moving narration of King David. Well known as a singer, speaker, and actor, Luxon’s rich, direct, beautifully modulated baritone voice has been heard in a wide range of operatic, orchestral, and recital repertoire, earning him accolades worldwide. “I cannot imagine a more compelling voice to narrate King David,” says Smith. “That Benjamin Luxon will be with us is truly special.”

       King David recounts in the most colorful musical terms the life of David, including his time as a shepherd, victories in battle, rise to power, disregard of God in pursuing another’s man’s wife, painful distress at his son’s death, and moving end of life. King David is justly popular: the story has it all and Honegger’s music – somehow created in a mere two months! – spares no emotion.  In addition to the oratorio, the program includes chamber works of Honegger’s fellow composer, Francis Poulenc, performed by flutist Elizabeth Chinery and pianists Noah Palmer and David Smith.

       This will be CITV’s 17th performance since its founding in 2010. As the late critic John Paul Keeler has written: “Concerts in the Village is fast becoming a major musical treasure.” Contribution of $20 includes an off-site reception immediately following.


Loudonville Community Church in Albany is offering an evening dinner event at 6 pm Friday, March 11, to promote the work of Interserve, and Libby Little will be the main speaker.  There is no cost for the meal, but an offering for Interserve's work will be taken.  KRC family and friends are cordially invited, and an RSVP is requested.  Please contact Paul or email if you are interested.



       There was an overwhelming excitement as hundreds of kids arrived at the Saratoga City Center for Excel 2016, many not knowing what God had in store for them.  Many of them were challenged in their walks with Jesus, and some were challenged to begin a relationship with Him for the first time - it was a life-transforming weekend these kids will never forget.

       Kids like Katie.  Katie is a young lady who is involved with our Schenectady City Life Ministry.  Going into Excel, Katie did not have a relationship with Jesus.  In fact, she was raised Hindu.  That is what she had known all her life, but at Excel she encountered something different.  She told one of our staff that the Hindu religion and culture never interested her, and it was never something that she felt she could embrace.  She said that what she experienced at Excel is different - that Jesus is real, and that is why she gave her life to Him.  Katie’s is just one of many stories of kids whose lives were changed this weekend at Excel.  Please pray for them, that they would continue to seek Jesus and allow their lives to be framed by the Gospel.

       In Christ, Andy Lightcap


       5 youths and 2 leaders from KRC’s youth group attended Excel, the annual Youth-for-Christ conference in Saratoga Springs.  We praise God that our trip was very rewarding and spiritually uplifting, and we are grateful for all the prayers that were sent along with us!

       From Friday evening until dinner time on Sunday, the group was immersed in Christ-centered worship and teaching in 5 two-hour large-group general sessions, interspersed with 4 one-hour specialized seminars. Of course, there was also free time for meals and for hanging out together!

     The cost per person to attend this event was $150 for the conference and hotel. As always, we do not turn any student away from attending due to financial need, and yes, we do have students in need again this year.  If you would like to help sponsor a student, please place your contribution of any amount in the offering plate and designate it as “YFC EXCEL”.  .


KRC family and friends are asked to volunteer as greeters

for our 10 am worship services.

Please sign up on the sheet available at the back table.



  The Outreach Ministry encourages you to mark your calendar for March 4, the next scheduled First Friday community outreach meal.  We are especially excited about this March date, as we will have a free concert by the Irish vocal group, Triskele, and an Irish dance demonstration by our very own Clinton girls following the meal.  So save the date & stay tuned for more details to follow! 


  • those who do not know Christ or who are struggling in their faith. Pray also that God will provide opportunities for us to witness for Jesus, and give us the courage and winsome words needed to make the most of these opportunities.
  • KRC ministries, programs & projects and those planning & administering them: KRC’s Consistory, especially new members, Tana Thompson and Chip Wood; KRC’s administrative ministries; KRC’s Youth Group; KRC’s small group ministries; adult Bible studies; Community Prayer Group; First Friday, and other outreach programs. 
  • our state, national, and world leaders, that God will grant them the leadership skills, wisdom, and the personal protection needed to govern effectively and safely.
  • our military men & women, their families, and friends, that they may know God’s presence, protection, and peace.
  • victims world-wide suffering natural and other hardships and tragedies: famine, earthquakes, and other climate-related disasters; economic instability; poverty, hunger, and poor health; political oppression, unrest, terrorism, war, displacement.
  • those grieving the death of loved ones, especially the Rivera family and friends grieving the recent loss of Florence.
  • all who have suffered and struggled with significant recent loss of any kind.
  • those who, even after many years, still hurt from the void left by loved ones who have passed on from this world. 
  • reassurance, peace, and dignity for loved ones who are nearing the close of this life.
  • those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill.
  • Baby Chase Zincio, born January 26 with some health issues.  Pray for complete health for Chase, and for God's peace and reassurance for Chase's parents and other family and friends.
  • thoses battling or recovering from cancer or in hospice care: Donna Scalera; Maria Zincio; Dorothy Wheeler; Darryl Ferguson; 6-month-old Baby Szafran; TJ Vooris; Judy Alvarez; Leonard Blish; Carol, Elize Visser’s sister-in-law; Marlene.
  • those awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness; or chronically ill: Tom Carroll, son-in-law of Barbara Gross; Maggie Brower; Brian Post; Stacey Baker; Vickie Metzger; Ann Powell; April Grimes; Gary Silvano; Angie Rivera; Harriet Stockhoff; Rev. Ed Van Kampen; Ruth Edge; Merrill Johnson; Jean Skipper; Steve Shpur; John Bowen; Floyd Haber; Art Gross; Alan Dick; Paul Varga; Liz Carroll; Laurie Maul.
  • those facing challenges, stressful circumstances, and difficult decisions: Tom Eastman; Don and Phyllis Tymeson; Harry Sturgill; the alarming wave of new, young heroin addicts; those facing the challenges of a higher level of education or seeking a career; Cliff Laraway; Greg L and friend, Joshua; Vince Beaudoin; Libby Little.
  • God's protection and safety for those traveling, especially Ted and Dawn Tuttle as they drive their RV to and from Florida for a month's vacation.
  • residence-bound member, Murray Leonardson.


Dave and Char Alexander, RCA missionaries, Taiwan;

Alight Pregnancy Center, Hudson

Perry Jones and Capital City Rescue Mission, Albany

Compassion International, KRC-Sponsored Children:

Evelin Chuquinia, 15, Bolivia              Giulbert Muguna, 18, Kenya

Alex and Fran Knauss, Trans-World Radio

Maureen Menard, Youth with a Mission

Dick and Carolyn Otterness, RCA missionaries, Hungary

Brian and Bea Post, Wycliffe Bible Translators

Seth and Melissa Rogati, missionaries, Young Life Ministry, St. Thomas

Betty Ann Stedwell, Christar International Mission

Regular updates are needed on the progress or condition of all individuals on our prayer and praise lists, especially those whose names are in bold type.  Please forward this information, as well as new praise/prayer requests, to or call 859-4158. 

  • Pastor Rudy Visser, our Spirit-filled minister and leader of vision, and for the Christ-centered messages God gives to Pastor each and every Sunday for the spiritual nourishment and growth of our church family.
  • those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, and those who have sacrificed their well-being and lives for the peace & liberties we enjoy.
  • the welcome report that Aaron Clause’s kidney issue appears to be resolving itself following a recent diagnosis of kidney stones. Pray for continued relief from this condition for Aaron.
  • the good news of the healthy birth of Harper Ollie LaTorre, born January 26 to Heather, Derick, and Ellie LaTorre.  Harper weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces.
  • the happy news that Sara Schubert has a granddaughter due to arrive May 29 to son Josh Schubert and his wife, Helen.
  • the happy news from Arnie and Claudia March that they have a grandson who is due to arrive in May. 
  • all His provisions for our basic life needs, and the wonderful ways God shows His love to us, especially during difficult times.
  • the many dedicated and hard-working friends and members of the Kinderhook Reformed Church Family who serve on Consistory, ministries, and committees; teach Sunday School; lead Youth Group, Bible studies, and prayer group; organize special events; prepare food, serve, and clean up for coffee hours, receptions, and dinners; and who always offer whatever support they can to those in need.



Jayne Ferguson (1st), Courtney Wood (8th),  Filip Carroll (9th),

 Mary Schubert (9th), Heather LaTorre (18th), Chip Wood (23rd),

 Jackson Carroll (24th)



The Columbia County Soil and Water Conservation District is now holding its Annual Bare Root Tree Sale.  Orders may be mailed in or delivered to the District’s office prepaid, and must be received in the office by April 1.  Order forms and additional Information on the sale details are available on the back table for your convenience.



Today, February 7     

       8:30 am  Early Communion Worship Service

     10:00 am  Communion Worship Service and Sunday School

     11:15 am  Adult Sunday School - main floor Conference Room

               The class continues its study of 1 & 2 Peter and Jude.

Mon,  February  8

      Please Note:  Consistory will meet the 3rd Monday, February 15, this month.

Tues,  February  9

       6:30 pm  Youth Group meets @KRC

Wed,  February 10  Ash Wednesday, Lent Begins

Thur, February 11

     9:00 am  Small Group Bible Study meets

     10:00 am  Community Prayer Group @ KRC

Sun,   February 14 

       8:30 am  Early Worship Service

     10:00 am  Worship Service and Sunday School

     11:15 am  Adult Sunday School - main floor Conference Room

               The class continues its study of 1 & 2 Peter and Jude

Mon, February 15

       6:30 pm  Consistory meets 

Mon, February 22

       6:30 pm  Outreach Ministry meets 

Fri,    March 11

       6:00 pm  Evening dinner event at Loudonville Community Church         

  promoting the mission work of Interserve with main speaker, Libby Little.

                                   RSVP to


Servers Next Sunday, February 14, 2016

       Ushers:  Ted Call, Jerry Flansburg, Glenn Warren, Chip Wood

       Greeter(s):  Bill and Suzy Nieman