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January 29, 2017


 “To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”

Rev. Rudy Visser, Pastor

A warm welcome to visitors.  We invite you to sign our Guest Book

 in the entranceway and fill out a pew card and place it in the offering plate.



  Announcements, The Lord’s Greeting, and Morning Prayer

*Morning Praise

  Scripture Reading                                                                                    Micah 6:1-8 (p. 659)

  Message                                              “Can the Mortal Church Go from Good to Great?”

  Prayer of Thanks

  Offering and Prayer of Blessing

  Intercessory Prayer

*Closing Hymn and Benediction



Following worship today, all are invited to enjoy fellowship and refreshments

downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.

Thanks to today’s ushers, Jason Brevoort, Derick LaTorre, Chris Laurie, Steve Shpur.

Thanks to today’s greeter, Susan Patterson. 

Nursery facility available downstairs.


  Welcome, Announcements, and God's Greeting

  Drawing Near to God

  Call to Worship (Responsive)  Based on Psalm 15

God of Renewal, we come today seeking to live in your sacred place,

       that we may walk blamelessly and speak truth from our hearts.

God of Justice, we come seeking to live on your holy mountain,

       where no tongue utters slanders or slurs upon others,
       and where no one accepts a bribe against or does wrong to his neighbor.

God of Faithfulness, we come in reverence of your steadfast works,
       ready to honor our promises even when it hurts,

God of Generosity, we come ready to imitate the bounty of your hand,
       and prepared to give without thought of benefitting in return.

God of Promise, we come believing in your word,

       that you honor those who do these things, and they will never be shaken.

 *Hymn of Affirmation #710                                            We Are Called to Be God’s People


Allowing God to Shape Us

  Call to Confession

We are the people of God, but Scripture reminds us that we still sin.  So let us draw near to God with sincerity and confidence and confess our failures, knowing that his Son, Jesus, intercedes for us with the Father, who freely forgives us through his infinite goodness and mercy.

  Prayer of Confession (Unison)

Heavenly Father, we come before you as your church, confessing that we have been selfish instead of generous; proud instead of humble; and have held grudges instead of forgiving. We have proven over and over that we cannot be good enough on our own – that we need more of you, and less of ourselves. Gracious God, we ask for your forgiveness, and we receive it with joyful hearts. Renew our minds so that we may discern what is good. Fill us with your Spirit so that we may be your witnesses in the world. Comfort our hearts, that we may know that we have full redemption by your grace alone. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

  Assurance of Pardon (Responsive)

The scriptures state that Christ Jesus has become for us wisdom from God, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.

       Thanks be to God that through Christ, our sins are forgiven.  Amen.

Coming before God’s Open Word

  Children's Sermon and Prayer of Blessing (Unison)

Heavenly Father, provide our children with a unified, prayerful, Bible-teaching church family that will draw them into community, give them a hunger for your Word, and involve them in your work; bless them with spiritual leaders who are trustworthy and humble. Amen.

  Prayer for Illumination

  Scripture Reading                                                                                    Micah 6:1-8 (p. 659)

  Message                                              “Can the Mortal Church Go from Good to Great?”

  Prayer of Thanksgiving

     Celebrating God


*Doxology #809                                                   Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here below.

Praise him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

  Offertory Prayer (Unison)

Lord, let our church family be a witness to you: immersed in scripture, constant in prayer, joyful in worship, and generous in giving – a loving, supportive community reaching out to those in need. Accept these gifts we offer in Jesus's name. Amen.

  Prayer Requests, Pastoral Prayer, and The Lord’s Prayer

*Prayer Hymn #669                                                                God of Grace and God of Glory

  My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.

My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

 To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen. (2x)


NEXT SUNDAY is Communion Sunday, which has been designated for the presentation of gifts, over and above regular giving, to the Benevolent Fund.  Please support this important ministry which provides assistance to needy church family and community members.     

Please Note:  Anyone who would like to do so is invited to take a poinsettia home for themselves or to a home-bound friend or family member to enjoy. It may lose the red leaves that fired for the Christmas holidays, but in a sunlit area of your home and with just a minimum of watering care, it will last for years as a green plant.  It can be placed outside and will thrive in the sun during the summer months.

Sunday’s 9:45 am Bible-study group has completed its current study, and is beginning a new study of the Book of Genesis.  If you are interested in joining this group, please see Jean Hacker so that a guide may be ordered for you.



Dear Kinderhook Reformed Church Family and Friends,

       The Kinderhook family has continued to care for us and for kids in the Caribbean through your many years of faithful support and prayers.  Young Life has just reached ten years of ministry in St. Thomas, and your church will be forever woven into the fabric of God’s work here.                                             Seth and Melissa Rogati ♡


There is a January update from Libby (Little) Saxton

available on the back table.  All are welcome to take a copy.



       On February 12th CITV returns to The School/Jack Shainman Gallery with 20th Century Music for Strings and Women’s Voices, including works by Vaughan Williams, Britten, Saint-Saëns, Poulenc and Foote. The women of the Broad Street Chorale will perform, along with soprano Amanda Boyd, soloist in Britten’s Les Illuminations. On April 2nd at Kinderhook Reformed Church Masterpieces from the Classical Age will feature Mozart’s magnificent Mass in c minor, as well as Haydn’s virtuosic Sinfonia Concertante for which the soloists will be principals of the Broad Street Orchestra: violinist Elizabeth Silver, cellist Erica Pickhardt, oboist Karen Hosmer, and bassoonist Cornelia McGiver. Suggested donation for all performances - $20. 



Email Address –

Website Address

Rev. Rudy is available at his church office

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings.

Please call ahead for an appointment.

Evenings are set aside for meetings, visitations, and counseling.

For immediate assistance at any time, call 859-4158.

Church Phone   758-6401                Church Fax   758-6401



       It is the responsibility of the Property Ministry to see that the properties owned by the church are maintained and kept in suitable condition. The parsonage on Eichybush Road is one of those properties.

       In the 1970's, a porch was added to the back of the parsonage behind the kitchen in a corner formed by parts of the structure. It was screened in, and during the years since then those screens deteriorated to the point where they were removed. In order to protect and preserve the remaining portions of the porch and also to further insulate the kitchen area of the parsonage, the Property Ministry recommended and the consistory approved a plan to close the porch in with sliding windows plus screens, making it much more serviceable. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PROPERTY MINISTRY WAS IN ERROR ABOUT THE COST OF THIS PROJECT, WHICH IS ACTUALLY JUST UNDER $3,000, MUCH LESS THAN THE $5,000 TO $6,000 REPORTED IN PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTSThe church has contracted with Window World, and the work should begin this coming week. 

       The Property Ministry plans to hold some fund raising events in the spring of this year to help pay for this project. As always, any donations that a person may choose to make toward this work will be gratefully accepted to help reach our goal. If donations should exceed the amount required, they will be held for support of future projects which continually need to be addressed. 



Dave and Char Alexander, RCA missionaries, Taiwan;

Alight Pregnancy Center, Hudson

Perry Jones and Capital City Rescue Mission, Albany

Compassion International, KRC-Sponsored Children:

Evelin Chuquinia, 15, Bolivia              Giulbert Muguna, 18, Kenya

Alex and Fran Knauss, Trans-World Radio

Maureen Menard, Youth with a Mission

Dick and Carolyn Otterness, RCA missionaries, Hungary

Brian and Bea Post, Wycliffe Bible Translators

Seth and Melissa Rogati, missionaries, Young Life Ministry, St. Thomas

Betty Ann Stedwell, Christar International Mission


  • those who do not know Christ or who are struggling in their faith journey. Pray also that God will provide opportunities for us to witness for Jesus, and give us the courage and winsome words needed to make the most of these opportunities.
  • Rev. Paige Convis, KRC’s associate pastor, as she fulfills her ministerial duties as full-time pastor to the Muitzeskill and Stuyvesant Reformed Churches.
  • KRC ministries, programs & projects and those planning & administering them: KRC’s Consistory; KRC’s administrative ministries; Adult and Children’s Sunday School; KRC’s Youth Group; KRC’s small group ministries and Bible studies; Community Prayer Group; 1st Friday, and other outreach programs.
  • our state, national, and world leaders, especially President Donald Trump and all of the new government officials taking office, that God will grant them the leadership skills, wisdom, and the personal protection needed to govern effectively and safely.
  • our military men & women, their families, and friends, that they may know God’s presence, protection, and peace, especially Jason Lansing serving in South Korea.
  • victims world-wide suffering natural and other hardships and tragedies: famine, earthquakes, and other climate-related disasters; economic instability; poverty, hunger, and poor health; political oppression, unrest, terrorism, war, displacement.
  • those grieving the death of loved ones. 
  • those who, even after many years, still hurt from the void left by loved ones who have passed on from this world.
  • reassurance, peace, and dignity for loved ones nearing the close of this life.
  • Darla Skiermont, Maureen Mooney's sister-in-law, as she recuperates at home from recent major surgery, and her husband, Richard, as he assists in her care. Pray for speedy healing and full recovery to health for Darla.
  • Lennox, past VBS student who is experiencing a difficult recovery from a broken arm.  He is scheduled for his second surgery and has a bone infection which has prevented healing.  Pray that God will intervene in this discouraging cycle of illness and bring about a quick turn-around in the healing process without further complications for Lennox.
  • wisdom for Kara (Ennis) Mobley as a decision must be made regarding the extent of the surgery that she will soon be undergoing.  Kara and her family wish to thank everyone for the prayer support that they have received during this difficult time.
  • Melissa Welcome, undergoing tests and evaluations at the ophthalmologist.  Pray for positive outcomes for Melissa.
  • others awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness; or chronically ill: Betty Osborn; Lynn; Rob; Virginia Rothermel; Maggie; Art Gross; Angie Rivera; Stacey Baker; Harriet Stockhoff; Ruth Edge; Jean Skipper; Floyd Haber; Paul Varga.
  • Ronny, who is having breast cancer surgery this coming Friday. Pray for God's reassurance and peace for Ronny as she awaits the surgery, and for speedy and complete healing without complications following.
  • Donna Scalera, struggling in her battle with cancer and with the associated therapies she is undergoing.  Pray for God's blessings of encouragement, strength, and healing for Donna.
  • Bill, Janet Smith's brother, diagnosed with cancer. Pray for God's peace and reassurance for Bill and his family, and for successful treatment for his cancer.
  • Jen, as she continues treatment following a diagnosis of stage 4 cancer. Pray for good outcomes and a complete return to full health for Jen.
  • others battling or recovering from cancer or in hospice care: Ron Dick; Kim Helm; Carol Nel; Paul Osborn; Jeff Peter; Mark; Jay, Ann; Jill; Steve; Dorothy Wheeler.
  • those traveling, especially Adam Spaulding, traveling in Brazil.
  • those facing challenges, stressful circumstances, and difficult decisions: Libby (Little) Saxton; Corrie Shattenkirk, relocating back to this area from Omaha, Nebraska; Cydney Rippel, Carly Rippel, Greg Clause Jr., and others as they face the challenges of a higher level of education or seek a career; Vince Beaudoin; the alarming epidemic of heroin addicts.
  • those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill: Nancy Stewart; Rick Scalera.
  • residence-bound KRC family, George Clowe.


  • Pastor Rudy Visser, our Spirit-filled minister and leader of vision, and for the Christ-centered messages God gives to Pastor each and every Sunday for the spiritual nourishment and growth of our church family.
  • the inspirational ministries of our guest preachers, Perry Jones, Tom McCrossan, John Bowen, and others who lead worship at KRC from time to time.
  • those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, and those who have sacrificed their well-being and lives for the peace & liberties we enjoy.
  • the good report that Merrill Johnson’s surgery went well and has been successful in relieving the pain he was suffering.  Please continue to pray for a complete recovery for Merrill.  Notes and cards of encouragement would be greatly appreciated, and may be sent to Merrill at 533 Old Post Road, Ghent, NY 12075.
  • safe travels and a peaceful march for those who attended the recent Women’s March in Washington DC.
  • the good report that Carien Zietsman is responding positively to her treatment for Lyme disease.
  • the happy update from Nancy Baker that her mother, Vickie Metzger, 97, is doing so remarkably well in her advanced years.
  • all those of KRC's family and friends who donate their time, talent, and energy so generously and so willingly to the various ministries and programs of our church, many of which are carried out quietly and selflessly by behind-the-scenes volunteers who often receive little notice or recognition.
  • His provision for all of our basic life needs, and the wonderful ways God shows His love to us, especially during difficult times.



KRC’s share of support this year is $5,310 for services and resources to be provided for us by the Reformed 
 in America at the local, regional, and national levels. EACH MEMBER’S SHARE OF THIS YEAR’S CLASSIS ASSESSMENT 
HAS BEEN SET AT $88.50 (down 43¢ from last year).  All who are able to do so are encouraged to offer, over and 
above regular giving, their share of this support.  The full share does not have to be given at one time, but 
may be given in as many increments as are convenient. If offered weekly, that’s just $1.84 per week for the 
remaining weeks (48) in this year. All Classis contributions should be clearly designated, “Classis Assessment.”  



                                     ~2017 CLASSIS ASSESSMENT DISTRIBUTION ~

General Synod:     $52.23   (Down $1.48 from 2016)

Albany Synod:       $30.00   (Up $1 from 2016)

C.  G.   Classis:        $  6.27   (Up $0.05  from 2016

                                    2017 TOTAL:             $88.50   (Down $0.43 from 2016)



 Paul Clause (2nd), Libby Little (2nd), Kari Anne Powell (2nd), Robert Carroll (12th), Jennifer Jennings (19th), Stacey Baker (20th), Noreen Dick (22nd), Sug Hawver (27th), Jean Skipper (29th), William Carroll (31st), Ainsley Clinton (31st)                              





                                               KRC 2017 CONSISTORY

                          Pastor Rev. Rudy Visser, President of Consistory


Jane Deane  ’17  Outreach and Missions . . . 758-7051

Noreen Dick  ’18  Church Family . . . . . . . . . . 758-6640

Beth Anne Rippel ’18  Stewardship  . . . . . . . 392-5044

Tana Thompson  ’17  Property  . . . . . . . . . . . 392-3312


Merrill Johnson’18  Worship      . . . . . . . . . . . 828-6726

Dawn Van Buren ’18  Pastoral Relations . . 758-7564

Patti Varga  ’17  Education, Consistory VP.   .   755-3054

Barbara Vosburgh  ’17 Personnel. . . . . . . . . 758-6512


                                             KRC STAFF

                 KRC Office Manager              KRC Office Assistant          

              Paul Clause – 859-4158     Courtney Wood – 784-2134

                          KRC Sexton                 KRC Cemetery Supervisor        

           Greg Clause Jr – 653-2786       Greg Clause – 369-8472 


                                                                       COMING EVENTS

Today, January 29 

       8:30 am  Early Worship Service

       9:45 am  New Bible study of the Book of Genesis begins.

     10:00 am  Worship Service and Children’s Sunday School

     11:15 am  Adult Sunday School - main floor Conference Room

Tues,   January 31

       7:00 pm  KRC Youth Group meets

Thur, February  2

    9:00 am  Small Group continuing Bible-based study @KRC

            “I Am a Church Member – Discovering the Attitudes that Make the Difference”

     10:00 am  Community Prayer Group @KRC

       7:00 pm  New Bible study group meets, @KRC main floor Conference Room

Fri,    February  3

       6:00 pm   First Friday free community dinner and fellowship. 

                                 Doors open at 5:30 pm.

Sun,   February  5 

       8:30 am  Early Communion Worship Service

       9:45 am  New Bible study of the Book of Genesis continues

     10:00 am  Communion Worship Service and Children’s Sunday School

     11:15 am  Adult Sunday School - main floor Conference Room

Tues, February  7

Please Note:  Youth Group will not meet February 7.

Sat,    February 11

       4:30-6:30 pm  Soup-and-Sandwich benefit, St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Valatie

Sun,   February 12  Scout Sunday

Tue,   February 28

       4:30-7:00 pm  Pancake Dinner benefit, Emanuel Lutheran Church,

                                           Route 9, Stuyvesant Falls



Servers Next Sunday, February 5


Ushers: Jim Baker, Max DiOrio

Greeter(s):  Jean, Stacey, and Phil Hurst