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July 22, 2012

Kinderhook Reformed Church Worship Service
Route 9 & Church Street, Kinderhook, NY
10:00 A.M. July 22, 2012
“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”
Rev. Rudy Visser, Pastor

You are invited to sign our Guest Book at the church entrance and to fill out a pew card and place it in the offering plate.  We would like to get to know you better, and we invite you to enjoy fellowship and refreshments with us at the Lemonade Stand hosted by Dawn Van Buren on the front lawn following Worship today.

Ushers: Dave Ennis, Will Ferguson, Chuck Rothermel, Andrew Welcome
Greeter(s): Dolly Petith
Preschool Nursery facility available downstairs.
Flowers are given today by Dawn Van Buren
in Celebration of our New Members!

Order of Worship
  CALL TO WORSHIP   (Responsive)  
     We gather for worship as children of God.
We come to remember who and whose we are.
     We gather for worship to be renewed in our faith.
We come with hearts open to receive God's love.
     We gather for worship to catch a vision of what might be.
We come ready to change what is.
     We gather for worship in gratitude for all we have been given.
With thanksgiving, we lift our voices in songs of praise.
*HYMN OF PRAISE #26                               Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
Ephesians 4:25-5:2
  Out of the depths I cry to you, LORD; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears   be  attentive to my cry for mercy.
[Moment of Silence]
If you, LORD, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you. I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.
[Moment of Silent Personal Confession and Prayer]
Israel, put your hope in the LORD,
for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption. He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins.
  ASSURANCE OF PARDON   Isaiah 43:18 & 25
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past . . .  I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.                                                                                                                                                                               
            Indeed, in God and through Christ we are free. Hallelujah! Amen.
  PRAISE SONG #690                                                                     Bind Us Together
We Come Before God’s Open Word
  SCRIPTURE LESSON                                               Ephesians 2:11-22 (pp. 827-8)
  MESSAGE                 "Preparing for the Olympics –
          The Challenge of Breaking Down the Dividing Walls of Hostility"
  RECEIVING NEW MEMBERS – Ann Carlisle, Barry Knights, Tana Strome      
I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord:  who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilot, was crucified, dead and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;  from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.  I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.  Amen
Celebrating God
Gracious God, we offer ourselves to you, that we might be a sign of your power among us. Use these our gifts, our time, and our talents all to your will.  In the name of the Christ. Amen.
*CLOSING HYMN #576                                            I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
*BENEDICTION and RESPONSE – My Friends, May You Grow in Grace
My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.
My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen.
To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen.

Dear Kinderhook Reformed Church Family,
     With our pending trip to South Africa just around the corner, I wanted to let you know a little more with regards to the what and where and how of the month of August.
     God willing, we are flying out of John F. Kennedy International Airport at around 11 am on Monday, July 30, and will be arriving 16 hours later at Oliver Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg. Arrival is scheduled at 8 am the morning of July 31. This will be at around 2 am EST! We will then be traveling 4 hours north by car to Elize’s parents who live in a town called Ellisras. We will be spending three weeks with them and hope to be of great help to Elize’s mom who recently had successful back surgery. Over the weekends we will get a chance to see at least three of Elize’s four siblings and their families.
     On August 22 we’ll be driving the four hours back to Johannesburg to board a plane heading for Cape Town, the Mother City, on the very southern tip of Africa. Here we will be staying a week with my brother, whom you have met, and get a chance to see my sister and Elize’s other sister. At my alma mater, the Stellenbosch University where I attended seminary, I will take part in a four-day seminar and will be preaching there on Sunday, August 26. At around 10 am on the 29th, we will be boarding a plane to return to Johannesburg where we will overnight with Elize’s sister, and the following day we will board our international flight to head back home. Arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport is scheduled for 6:40 am EST, August 31.   

      Know that we will be thinking of you much and praying constantly. We will return with stacks of stories and photos, and remember that emailing me is equally as quick whether I am in Kinderhook or in Ellisras or Cape Town.  I have added a tab to our website reading “Blog - South Africa” and will do everything in my power to write and post pictures as often as I can. Have a look at these posts, stories, and photos, and follow us on our journey. You are welcome, too, to leave a response on the website and so be in conversation with us!
     Here at the home front Reverends John Bowen and McCrossen will be filling the pulpit in August, and Rev. Ed Van Kampen from the Stuyvesant Reformed Church will be available to tend to any pastoral needs that might arise.  Please do not hesitate to call on elders Paul Clause and Dawn Van Buren if you need help, prayer, or just want to chat. We covet your prayers in our absence, but let us not neglect praying for our congregation, the remainder of the 2012 celebration year, and the specific ministry focuses and tasks that lie ahead for KRC.
     May the Lord our God who is our ever present help, guide, and friend be with you now and forever more and unite us all joyfully towards the end of August.                                             
                                                                             Rudy and family    

Jeff Barmen (2nd), Sally Heimroth (3rd), Virginia Rothermel (3rd),
Patrice Lyons (5th), Jay Rippel, (6th), Will Ferguson (7th), Mid Glass (8th),
Haley Hickman (12th,) Dick Van Alstyne (13th), Ted Tuttle (18th),
Edward Arnold (26th), Glenn Warren (26th ), Carien Zietsman (28th),
Patti Varga (30th)

YOUTH GROUP HAS STARTED AGAIN AT KRC TUESDAY NIGHTS FROM 7-8:30 PM. All youth who will be entering Grades 6 through Grade 12 in the fall are welcome to attend!  Just like VBS, we have students who attend from various churches & who bring friends, so please feel free to join in the events, activities, and projects we are planning for the rest of the summer. Parents - you are always welcome to stay & help out if you'd like.  We hope to see you here on Tuesday.   

KRC offers a small group opportunity at 9 am Thursdays at the church.  The group is continuing its new study, “Battlefield of the Mind,” based on the book by Joyce Meyer.  All are encouraged to attend, and walk-ins are welcome!
Kinderhook Lake Chicken Barbeque Fundraiser
The Kinderhook Lake Corp. will host a Chicken BBQ, open to the public, on Sat., July 28, from 4 to 7 pm - rain or shine - at the Kinderhook Elks Lodge, 2750 Rte. 9H in Kinderhook.  Dinner will be eat-in or take-out.  Cost is $12 for 1/2 chicken, baked potato, corn on cob, coleslaw, & beverage, and tickets may be purchased at the door or in advance.  Call Rick at 573-5088.  Proceeds will benefit the corporation’s Water Quality Fund and help with other costs of maintaining the lake.  Help us keep our lake clean and inviting for fun and recreation.

We are in the planning stages of starting a Weight Watchers program at KRC for anyone interested.  The class would be in the morning, and we would like to know which morning of the week works best for those who may wish to attend. Please speak with Dawn Van Buren or send an e-mail to her at

The Church of St. Joseph of Stuyvesant Falls/Stottville is sponsoring a community-wide photo contest entitled “Columbia County Faith” that may be of interest to some of us in the KRC family. If you are interested, detailed information, contest rules, and entry forms may be picked up from the back table.  Deadline for photo entries is Wednesday, August 15.

~Kinderhook Village-Wide Yard Sale – 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 15th~
KRC will participate in the day’s event - rain or shine - with a Recycling Sale sponsored by the Evangelism Ministry.  We will be open Saturday from 9 am - 3 pm, and  we will also be open Thursday and Friday, Sept 13 and 14, 4 - 7 pm. Donations of gently used clothes/coats, books, toys, linens, sports equipment, small appliances, fall plant divisions, etc, would be greatly appreciated.  Helpers are needed on Wednesday and Thursday to organize sale items. Items may be dropped off now and put in the back room by the ladies restroom, or if you are unable to do this, you may arrange to have donated items picked up - see Maureen or Dawn if you have questions.  You or other interested community members may also set up your own table if you are willing to bring in, organize, and takeout all of your own items. We just ask that you donate 10% of your sales to KRC. 

Dear Kinderhook Reformed Church Family,
     Thank you for your recent donation to the Pantry of $414 from your pancake breakfast.  Your support is appreciated very much.  Our pantry serves all of the households in the Ichabod Crane School District who request help; the only stipulation is proof of residency in our district.  We are fortunate to live in communities that are very giving.
     We find that more people are using the Pantry in today’s economy, and on their behalf, and for all of our volunteers, a sincere thank-you for your assistance.  Many people will eat a good meal thanks to your help.
           Sincerely yours, Jean S. Norton for the Valatie Ecumenical Food Pantry

YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN "THE OLDE DUTCH & SUCH" CRAFTS GROUP when we resume meeting 9:30 AM FRIDAY, JULY 13, IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL. We are creating items for the KRC fair/bazaar which will take place November 3.  Please save wine corks and plastic grocery bags for use in this project.  A box is available in the room across from the church office for collecting these materials. 

Remember To Thank & Praise God for
• all who serve KRC Ministries by meeting regularly, setting goals, preparing recommendations, & working together to complete projects and responsibilities.
• Karina Speer’s response to treatment; Loren and Lori thank you all for your prayers, and please continue to pray that God will lend Karina his grace to heal her fragile state of mind.
• the huge success of this year’s VBS outreach program, which had a daily attendance of over 80 children and more than 30 adult and teen staff members.  Remember to give a special thanks for the dedicated efforts and talents of VBS Coordinator, Patti Varga.
• John Bosquet-Morra's presence in Worship with us.
• all those who represented KRC in the Kinderhook People’s Parade July 4.
• the wonderful news that Donna Scalera’s recent scans were clear.
• the encouraging report on Sal Alessi’s good progress with chemo treatments.
• Pastor Rudy Visser, a Spirit-filled preacher of the Word and leader of vision.
• the blessing of family and friends.
• the wonderful ways God shows his love to us, especially during difficult times.
• those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, & those who have sacrificed their well-being and lives for the peace & liberties we enjoy.

 Remember to Pray for
• those who do not know Christ, or are struggling in their faith or with other spiritual issues. 
• KRC’s Consistory members and administrative ministries.
• KRC programs & projects and those administering them: Youth Group; church restoration; tricentennial events.
• small group ministries, adult Bible studies, Community Prayer Group.
• our state and national leaders, that God will grant them the leadership skills, wisdom, and the personal protection needed to govern effectively and safely.
• our missionaries: Dave and Char Alexander, Perry Jones and Capital City Rescue Mission, Alex and Fran Knauss, Maureen Menard, Dick and Carolyn Otterness, Brian and Bea Post, Seth and Melissa Rogati, Betty Ann Stedwell. 
• our children sponsored through Compassion or other agencies..
• those, especially children, victimized by natural disasters; abuses of war and violence; exploitation; neglect; and family hostility.
• families and friends grieving the loss of loved ones, especially the Bloomer family suffering the loss of their four-month old son; Jane, friend of Harriet Simpkins, grieving the tragic and unexpected loss of her son.
• Linda's sister, recovering from recent back surgery. Remember also family members who will be assisting in recovery care following the surgery.
• Elize Visser’s mom in South Africa, doing well following recent back surgery.
• Don Bartow in Barnwell.
• those traveling, especially Stacey Baker in Valencia, Spain, through August 11.
• others battling cancer: Roman Murynec; Helen Drumm; Tammy DeVito; Dick; Sal Alessi; Melissa M; Judy Iocco; Stephanie; Ron Jensen; Patricia’s mother; Donna Scalera; Tom Saulpaugh.  
• those awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness; chronically ill; or in hospice care: Romona DenBesten; Billie-Jean Cartwright, ICC senior; Linda Moran; Baby Luther; Evan; Kenny Cadieux; Sara Schubert; Pete McCardle; John Bosquet-Morra; Ruth Edge; Blanche Rogers; Jack, grandfather of Patti Varga; Lou Galm; Jim Baker’s mother; Dave Ennis’s father; Joan Clause; Florence Rivera; Kathy Schneider’s father in Barnwell; Paul Varga.
• a favorable outcome in John’s arbitration case. 
• those facing challenges, conflicts, difficult decisions: Paul and Tora Lyons; Pastor Glenn Metzler battling a blood disorder; the Schuberts as they attempt to sell John’s mother’s home in Troy; Louise; Libby Little facing a demanding schedule; those struggling with unnamed issues, especially Sara, Elizabeth, and Nancy; caregivers of children with health/developmental issues; those with employment or other economic troubles; those suffering discouragement, depression, despair, or other mental health issues, especially Karina Speer;  those struggling with dependencies/substance abuse, especially George in South Africa; those dealing with family relationships; young people challenged by the demands of schooling, looking for jobs, dealing with many temptations confronting young adults.
• God’s blessing on those recently engaged/married, expecting babies, new/first-time parents: 1st-time-parents Tom and Jaime (Welcome) Eastman (Baby Evan Anthony Eastman, born Saturday, May 19); Terry Nawrot (twins, Baby Joshua and Baby Brian, born June 29; Brad & Kelly Babic (Baby Taylor Marie); Jeannie and Scott (Baby Luther); the Principis (Baby Gianna Drew).
• those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill, especially Diane Morgan. 
• our residence-bound members:  Ken Smith; Murray Leonardson, and Mike Rivera.
• our military men and women, especially Josh Heimroth, recently deployed to Afghanistan - that they  may know God’s presence and protection.
• families and friends of our military troops, and victims of warfare & violence worldwide,  that they may be blessed with God’s peace and reassurance.

Regular reports are needed on the progress or condition of all individuals on our prayer and praise lists.  If you have updated information, especially regarding individuals whose names appear in bold print, please call the church office.

Please forward prayer requests to or call Paul at 859-4158.  If you are not already on our email prayer list, and would like to receive prayer and praise requests through email, please contact Paul to have your address added. If you do not have email, contact Jane Smith at 758-6442, and she will be happy to include you in the phone prayer chain.

During the month of July, Northeast Health/ Eddy Lifeline is offering free installation (normally $50) of a Lifeline 2-way emergency response system.  If you know someone who lives alone, or has a tendency to fall, or who is recovering from recent surgery and might benefit from this protection, the Eddy contact number is 833-1040.  The monthly cost of the system after the free installation is $38.

Fall Concert (details TBA)
November 3, Church Bazaar
December 16, 3rd annual Lessons & Carols with organist David Smith & choir

Email Address –
Website Address –
Rev. Rudy is scheduled to be in his church office
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.
If you wish to meet with Pastor during these times,
please call ahead for an appointment.
Evenings are set aside for meetings, pastoral visitations, and counseling.
For assistance on Mondays, please call 859-4158
Church Phone  758-6401                Church Fax   758-6402
Phone messages are picked up several times daily.
If you need immediate assistance anytime, please call 859-4158.


Pastor Rev. Rudy Visser, President of Consistory, Classis Delegate

Noreen Dick – ’13,  Church Family   758-6640
Patrice Lyons – ’13,  Missions     758-8400
Barbara Vosburgh –’13,  Stewardship / Treasurer    758-6512

Dave Ennis – ’13,  Worship    784-9656
Maureen Mooney – ’12,  Evangelism / Clerk   210-6079
Dawn Van Buren – ’13,  Cemetery / Pastoral Relations /
                                           Personnel / VP of Consistory   758-7564
Patti Varga–’12,  Christian Education   392-4771

                   John Schubert, Chairman, Classis Financial Committee

                                               KRC STAFF
                   KRC Office Manager                     KRC Office Assistant     
                 Paul Clause – 859-4158                   Liz Carroll – 758-6034
                                Cemetery Supervisor/KRC Sexton
                               Greg Clause  –  369-8472, 758-1338

Today, July 22
     10:00 am  Worship
     11:15 am  Adult Sunday School meets, main floor conference room   
                Adult Bible study group meets, main floor classroom
Mon. July 23
       6:30 pm  300 Committee meets @KRC
Tues., July 24
       7-8:30 pm  Youth Group meets @ KRC
Thur., July 26
  9:00 am  Small Group Study @ KRC with Pastor Rudy -
              Joyce Meyer study, “Battlefield of the Mind”.
     10:00 am  Community Prayer Group @ KRC
Fri.,   July 27
  9:30 am  Olde Dutch and Such crafts group meets @ KRC
Sun., July 29
     10:00 am  Worship
     11:15 am  Adult Sunday School meets, main floor conference room   
                Adult Bible study group meets, main floor classroom
Mon., August 13
       7:00 pm Consistory meets
Saturdays through September –  Clothing Barn
       9:30 am – 12:30 pm  North Chatham United Methodist Church
Saturdays through October 13
     10:00 am – Noon   Free KRC guided tours
Thurs, Fri,  4 – 7 pm and Sat,  9 am – 3 pm, September 13, 14, &15
         KRC Recycling Sale sponsored by Evangelism Ministry

Servers Next Sunday, July 29, 2012
Ushers:   Jim Dunham, Gary Leggett, Fred Hickman, Barry Knights
Greeter(s): Virginia Rothermel with Chuck and Kari-Ann
Lemonade Stand Host(s): Heather Donahue and Derick LaTorre