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June 15, 2014

Kinderhook Reformed Church Worship Services

“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Rev. Rudy Visser, Pastor

Rev. Philip K. Nace, Guest Preacher

 Rev. Nace of Hellam, PA, is a retired clergyman of the United Church of Christ.


A warm welcome to visitors.  We would like to get to know you better

and invite you to sign our Guest Book in the entranceway and fill out a pew card and place it in the offering plate.





  Morning Prayer

*Morning Praise                                                                              How Great Is Our God

  Prayer for Illumination

  Scripture                                                                                         Luke 14:25-33 (p. 739)

  Message                                                          “No More Deep-Discount Discipleship”

  Prayer of Thanks

  Intercessory Prayer

*Song of Devotion                                                            Love Divine, All Loves Excelling



All are invited to enjoy refreshments and fellowship

downstairs in the Fellowship Room following today’s Worship service.

UshersJim Baker, Bob Dreier, Dick Silvano

Greeter(s): Ken, Meredith, & Katie Sutherland

Pre-school Nursery available downstairs.




  Welcome and Announcements

  God’s Greeting

Boldly Approaching our God

  Call to Worship  (Responsive)

LEADER:  I am so glad O Lord that your church began with the presence of the Holy Spirit.

PEOPLE:  Each Sunday I am glad to go into the House of the Lord.

LEADER:  This is the sweet hour of prayer that calls me from a world of care.

PEOPLE:  O how blessed and peaceful it is to be with Him

who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, Jesus Christ our Lord.

LEADER:  When I leave this hallowed place, may I know that my mission has just begun.

PEOPLE:  Living in the world but not of the world, Preaching, Baptizing, and Teaching all that he has said to us.

ALL: Come and let us worship together, pray together and serve together for our Salvation is in our midst. Lo I am with you always, even to the end of the world.

*Hymn of Praise #72                                                                          To God Be the Glory

  Call to Confession  Based on Isaiah 55:6, 7

Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.  Let us forsake our evil ways and thoughts; let us turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on us, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.

  Prayer of Confession  (Unison)

O Lord our God, there are so many pieces of the puzzle that don't fit together in the story of our lives. Each of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But there is one thing we all know: Despite who we are and what we have done or not done, we are offered that amazing grace that pronounces us clean: If we confess our sins, believe in our hearts that God has raised Jesus Christ from the dead, we shall be saved.  O Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on each of us that we may be heirs of your Eternal Kingdom. Amen.

[Moment of Silent Confession]

  Assurance of Pardon

I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see. The victory is ours. Through Christ we have been set free.  Amen.


We Come before God’s Open Word

  Prayer for Illumination

  Scripture Reading                             Acts 2:43-47; Matthew 28:16-20 (pp. 772, 706)

  Sermon                                                                   “A Gathered and Sent Community”

  Prayer of Blessing

Celebrating God


  Doxology and  Prayer of Blessing  (Unison)

Lord God, we present ourselves and these gifts for your service.   Use us, and these offerings, to spread the gospel of hope that is in Jesus Christ, and thereby increase your kingdom.  Amen.  

  Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer

  Hymn of Exhortation #728                                                                            Jesus Saves!

  Blessing, Benediction, and Response Hymn    My Friends May You Grow in Grace

  My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.

My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen. (2x)


~Please Note~


  •    Beginning today, Sunday School will be in recess for the summer months and will resume in September.


  •    Sunday, July 6, through Sunday, August 31, the 8:30 and 10 am worship services will combine and meet for worship at 9 a.m.




     VBS will run this summer at KRC from AUGUST 18th to 22nd, 9 am to Noon, with arrival and sign-in at 8:45 to 9 am daily.  All kids of our community ages Pre-K (3 and potty-trained) through Grade 6 are invited to this year’s fun and spiritually-nurturing program.  Forms will soon be available on the back table for pre-registering your children or grandchildren.   

     Christian Ed Ministry is looking for VBS volunteers to teach and to help. For information about the positive rewards of serving in this ministry and the relatively small time commitment involved, please speak with Patti Varga. 

Our grateful appreciation to all who worked so selflessly to make KRC’S recent Annual Pancake Breakfast and Plant Swap/Sale events such a successful time of fellowship and outreach to our community!  



Leré Visagie (2nd), David Mooney (10th), Jean Hacker, (9th),

Dawn Tuttle (10th), Lois Bertram (13th), Seth Mooney (15th),

Brooke Barmen (21st), Bill Schneider (26th), Florence Rivera (27th),

Bev Van Alstyne (27th)



MANY THANKS AND BLESSINGS TO THE KRC FAMILY for your ongoing support of the Valatie Food Pantry. Many families regularly benefit from your generous support of this community ministry.  Non-perishable foods that are always popular at the Pantry are evaporated milk; coffee; sugar; boxed cereals; pancake mix; syrup; jelly; canned meats, fruits, and vegetables; spaghetti/spaghetti sauce; mac & cheese; dinner helpers; apple sauce; juice; cake & brownie mixes. Donations may be placed in the collection containers available in the entryways of the church.



KRC’s share of support this year is $5,728.14 for services and resources to be provided for us by 
the Reformed Church in America at the local, regional, and national levels. EACH MEMBER’S SHARE OF 
THIS YEAR’S CLASSIS ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN SET AT $86.79.  All who are able to do so are encouraged to
offer, over and above regular giving, their share of this support.  The full share does not have 
to be given at one time, but may be given in as many increments as are convenient. That’s just $3.00
per week for each week remaining in this year. All contributions for this purpose should be 
designated, “Classis Assessment.”  


  • Pastor Rudy Visser, a Spirit-filled minister and leader of vision.
  • KRC's Consistory, whose dedication to their calling is an inspiration to all.
  • the good report that Joe Harden, cousin of Paul and Joan Clause, is back to nearly-normal life routines following a remarkable recovery from cardiac bypass surgery.
  • all His provisions for our basic life needs, and the wonderful ways God shows His love to us, especially during difficult times .
  • The many dedicated and hard-working friends and members of the Kinderhook Reformed Church Family who serve on Consistory, church ministries, and committees; teach Sunday School; lead Youth Group, Bible studies, and prayer group; organize and carry out special church events; prepare food, serve, and clean up for coffee hours, receptions, and dinners; and who are always ready to offer whatever help and support they can to those in need.
  • the blessing of times in which families fellowship, grow, give support; and bond together.
  • those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, and those who have sacrificed their well-being and lives for the peace & liberties we enjoy.

Regular updates are needed on the progress or condition of all individuals on our prayer and praise lists, especially those whose names are in bold type.  Please forward this information, as well as new praise and prayer requests, to or call Paul at 859-4158. 



  • those who do not know Christ, or who are struggling in their faith, especially: Brian, who is also experiencing disabling health issues; and Craig.
  • KRC programs & projects and those planning & administering them: adult and children’s Sunday School; KRC’s youth; VBS; small group ministries; adult Bible studies; Community Prayer Group; outreach programs.
  • KRC’s 2014 Consistory members; KRC’s administrative ministries, chairpersons, and supporting members.
  • the missions and missionaries supported by KRC: Dave and Char Alexander, RCA missionaries, Taiwan; Alight Pregnancy Center, Hudson;  Perry Jones and Capital City Rescue Mission; Alex and Fran Knauss,  Trans-World Radio; Maureen Menard, Youth with a Mission; Dick and Carolyn Otterness, RCA missionaries, Hungary; Brian and Bea Post, Wycliffe Bible Translators; Seth and Melissa Rogati, Young Life Ministry, St. Thomas; Betty Ann Stedwell, Christar International Mission.  
  • our children sponsored through Compassion or other agencies.
  • our military men & women, their families, and friends, that they may know God’s presence, protection, and peace. Remember especially the families of those soldiers in Afghanistan who were killed accidentally this week under friendly fire.
  • survivors of warfare, terrorism, violence, and natural and other disasters worldwide,  that they may be blessed with God’s peace and the reassurance that he is in control.
  • our state and national leaders, that God will grant them the leadership skills, wisdom, and the personal protection needed to govern effectively and safely.
  • those, especially children, suffering abuse; exploitation; neglect; family hostility.
  • family and friends grieving the recent death of John Schubert, especially his wife, Sara, and children Lisa, Josh, Sara Lyn, and Mary;  those grieving the death of John Saunders; family and friends grieving the recent death of Sal Alessi.
  • Sylvia, sister of Susan Lamont, recovering from neck surgery this past week.
  • 2 yr. old Logan, patient at Roswell Park in Rochester, undergoing treatment for leukemia that is not going well for him.
  • Bev Van Alstyne, recovering again at Albany Med from a broken pelvis sustained in a recent fall. Please remember Dick as well as he assists in meeting Bev’s needs.
  • Jack, grandfather of Patti Varga, hospitalized recently with fluid in his lungs.
  • Amber and others about to graduate as they make their plans to attend college in the fall; pray that God will bless them with wisdom in all of the many challenges, choices, and decisions that they are facing.
  • those awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness;  chronically ill; or in hospice care: Harry, cousin of Susan Lamont; Doris Schmieder; Angie Hickman; Baby Ellie LaTorre; Jean Skipper; Isabelle Bosquet-Morra; Maureen Mooney; Jane Smith; Liz Carroll; Jane Zanchelli; Dawn Tuttle; Ruth Edge; Laurie (Dunham) Maul; Paul Varga; Blanche Rogers; Florence Rivera.
  • others battling or recovering from cancer: Sandy; Bridget; Mary Beth Gottshall; Kim Lyle’s grandmother, Linda; Gen Weiland; Harold; Sharon; Kevin; Theresa Van Warner; Rosemary Whitmore & Mrs. Martinez, mothers of Paul Varga's best friends; Steven Blun; Mary, Jessica Farley's mom; Dawn Tuttle's daughter-in-law; Leonard, Susan Lamont's cousin; Charlie Roppolo; Luci & sister, Guinda Derrico; Donna Scalera.
  • those who are traveling: Deborah and Michael Spaulding traveling to Spain.
  • those facing challenges and difficult decisions: Cliff, desperately in need of your prayers; Jean Brouwer and family; Abby and Bill; Greg and Lisa, fighting addictions; Alex and his family; the Laraway/Lamont family; mothers and children who have had to leave their homes due to family violence; Christians, wherever they be, who are suffering persecution, Libby Little. YOU ARE WELCOME TO PICK UP A COPY OF LIBBY LITTLE’S MAY UPDATE LETTER FROM THE BACK TABLE.
  • reassurance and peace for our loved ones who are nearing the close of this life.
  • those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill.
  • our residence-bound members, Gordie Van Buren and Murray Leonardson.


Email Address –

Website Address

Rev. Rudy is available at his church office

 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.

Please call ahead for an appointment.

Evenings are set aside for meetings, pastoral visitations, and counseling.

For assistance on Fridays, please call 859-4158

Church Phone  758-6401                Church Fax   758-6402

Phone messages are picked up several times daily.

If you need immediate assistance at anytime, call 859-4158.



Today, June 15

         8:30 am  Early Worship Service            

       10:00 am  Worship Service

                                                Please Note:

                    Beginning today, Sunday School will be in recess

                 for the summer months and will resume in September.

       11:15 am  Adult Sunday School Class - main floor Conference Room

Mon., June 16

         9:30 am  Olde Dutch & Such Craft Group meets

         7:00 pm  Food Pantry meeting, Presbyterian Church, Valatie

Tues., June 17

          7:00 pm  KRC Youth Group meets       

Thur, June 19

          9:00 am  Small Group meets @ KRC

          Please join us as we continue our study of the book of Revelation.

        10:00 am  Community Prayer Group @ KRC

Tues., June 24

Please Note: KRC Youth Group will not meet Tuesday, June 24.

Sun., July  6 – Sun. August 31 

Please Note:

The 8:30 and 10 am services will combine

and meet for worship at 9 a.m. during the summer months.

Mon., July 7

         6:30 pm  Consistory meets

Servers Next Sunday, June 22, 2014

       Ushers:  Jim Baker, Bob Dreier, Dick Silvano
