Kinderhook Reformed Church Worship Service
Route 9 & Church Street, Kinderhook, NY
10:00 a.m. October 16, 2011
“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”
Rev. Rudy Visser, Pastor
You are invited to sign our Guest Book at the church entrance
and to fill out a pew card and place it in the offering plate.
Ushers: Alan Dick, Merrill Johnson, Lére Visage
Greeter(s): Jerry and Donna Flansburg
Preschool Nursery facility is available downstairs.
Flowers are given today by Jane Deane
in loving memory of her parents, Elliott and Helen Smith.
Order of Worship
PRELUDE Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott - D. Buxtehude
Boldly Approaching Our God
CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive)
We are not alone. We live in God's world;
We believe in God, who has created and is creating,
Who has come in Jesus to reconcile and to make all things new.
We trust God, who calls us to be the church,
To love and serve others, to seek justice and to resist evil,
To proclaim Jesus - crucified, dead and risen;
Our judge and our hope.
In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us;
We are not alone. To God be the Glory. Amen and Amen!
*HYMN OF PRAISE #20 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Jesus says, “Follow me” and invites us to leave our old lives behind. Come, let us confess our sins. Let us put down all that binds us and keeps us from responding to him
O God, you search after us when we have gone far from you. We confess that we have become consumed with our own affairs and seldom pause to listen for the wind in the trees or stop to smell your blessings in the air we breathe.
[Moment to breathe in God’s presence]
We are burdened with what this world has to offer rather than living active lives in you. We like to be in control and are slow to put our trust in you or to cooperate with others. Remind us, O Lord, of our sinful self-centeredness as humans! Teach us to acknowledge our mistakes and give us patience to learn from them. Humble us to seek and accept your forgiveness and be ready and willing to forgive ourselves and others. Remind us also that we are precious, not because we are good, but because you have accepted us and called us to be your very own. Amen.
The mercy of the Lord is everlasting. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, we know that God's face shines on us and we are indeed forgiven. Thanks be to God!
*PRAISE SONG #110 King of Kings and Lord of Lords
All-knowing and faithful God, lead our children along paths of righteousness into the places and purposes that you have planned for their them. May they respond to your vision for their lives. May they trust always in your promise and power to guide and direct them in serving you and in bringing blessing to others. Amen.
We Come before God’s Open Word
PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION - Hymn #536 Open Our Eyes, Lord
SCRIPTURE LESSON 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 (p. 835)
MESSAGE “And the Lord’s Message Rang Out . . .”
Celebrating God
Praeludium in g minor, op. XIII/3 - J. G. Albrechtsberger
Most gracious and loving God, author of all that is good and just, we present this offering as our way of saying thank you. Thank you for not turning your back on us. Thank you for watching over us and our loved ones. Thank you for your patience when we are struggling through life. So, we ask you today to accept this offering of thanksgiving, and transform it into your love, felt throughout the globe. Amen.
*HYMN #747 Lead On, O King Eternal
*BENEDICTION and RESPONSE My Friends, May You Grow in Grace
My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.
My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever,
POSTLUDE Balletto del granduca - J. P. Sweelinck
Please join us at the brunch and congregational meeting
being held TODAY following Worship.
Your presence and input are needed and much appreciated.
Please pick up your Manhattan Clam Chowder soup orders
in the Fellowship Room today following Worship.
We are all, as Erwin Raphael McManus states, broken pieces of the image of God. And as Christians, too often we talk about God's ability to change lives without fully understanding how to access that power. Through this six-week small group study, we will learn about ourselves and the transformational power of God.
Each week we are offering small group opportunities on Thursday at 9 a.m. and Thursday at 7 p.m. Sally Heimroth is coordinator of the Thursday morning group, and Pastor Rudy the Thursday evening group. The theme for this Thursday’s sessions is “Perseverance”. Scriptures to be explored are Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27; Isaiah 50:4-7; Luke 2:52; James 1:2-4; James 1:5-8; 2 Peter 3:8-; James 5:10-11. The theme for the final sessions next week will be, “Path of Servanthood”. Please feel free to join one of these groups – Walk- ins welcome!
The Reformed Dutch Church of Schodack at Muitzeskill will be holding its annual Turkey Dinner this coming Saturday, October 22. The church is located at the intersection of Schodack Landing Road & Muitzeskill Road in Schodack. The turkey dinner is served family style. Menu is turkey, mashed potatoes, squash, cabbage slaw, and dressing with home-baked pie for dessert. Dinner servings are at 4:30, 5:30, and 6:30 pm. Takeouts are at 4:00 and 5:00 pm. Adults: $11.00, children under 12: $5.50. Reservations are required. For reservations call 732-7415, for information other than reservations, call the Church Office at 732-7500.
JIM HART’S BARE BONES BIKE CHALLENGE AND MOUNAIN-TOP TOUR, a benefit ride to support the rebuilding of the Prattsville Reformed Church after the devastation of Hurricane Irene, will take place October 29. Cyclists will complete a challenging 55 mile ride through affected towns in Greene and Ulster Counties, and the suggested entry fee is $50. If you are not a cyclist but wish to contribute, donations can be made by check payable to “Prattsville Reformed Church” and mailed to Jim Hart, 1635 Old Kings Highway, Saugerties, NY 12477. This event is sponsored by Dr. Mike Halstead, owner of Lake Katrine Animal Hospital. For more information, contact Jim at 845-246-1668 or email
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church invites you to an All Hallow’s Eve Party October 29 from 6 – 9 p.m. Fun and games for the whole family will include pie-baking and costume contests, goodie bags for the kids, and a refreshment menu of pizza, salad, treats, and beverages. The event is free, but donations are welcome to help with the cost of the food. If you want to join the party, kindly RSVP by October 25 to Penny Gutto at 784-5835 or
Church Family Ministry is hosting a Chili Nite Saturday, November 12, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Chili, chili toppings, and beverages, will be provided, but volunteers are needed to round out the menu with cornbreads, tossed green salads and dressings, and brownies and ice cream. PLEASE INDICATE YOUR CONTRIBUTION ON THE SIGN-UP SHEET AT THE BACK TABLE, INVITE FRIENDS TO JOIN US, AND PLAN TO ENJOY AN EVENING OF GOOD FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP.
The Cemetery Committee wishes to thank and praise God for the very successful chicken Bar-B-Q. We had a beautiful day and a surprisingly large crowd early, and sold 400 dinners and 130 desserts. Thanks to everyone for their generous support: Committee members who worked diligently to organize and promote the event; all who bought or sold tickets or gave monetary donations; those who contributed baked goods; and those who assisted at the Bar-B-Q with sales and serving. The more than $1500 profit earned gives a great boost to the cemetery operational budget.
We would like to apologize to any who purchased a ticket and did not get a meal. Please contact Jim Dunham or Gary Leggett for a refund. We promise to have many more meals ordered for next year!
Christian Ed is still in need of an assistant Youth Group leader, or multiple rotating assistants, for KRC’s youth meetings. The group meets every Tuesday evening from 7 - 8:30, and you are encouraged to pray about being a part of this truly rewarding outreach ministry! If you feel led to assist, please speak to Patti Varga.
krc’s 300th anniversary celebration
A committee for celebrating KRC’s 300th anniversary in 2012 has been formed, and you are invited to join us as a committee member. Please pray that God will continue to bless our church family as we move forward into our tricentennial year with great ideas for numerous celebratory events, and that these events will further our mission to know Christ and make Him known. EVERYONE’S HELP IS VERY MUCH NEEDED, AND WE ASK THAT YOU PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER HOW YOU MIGHT PARTICIPATE IN THIS UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR MINISTRY TO OUR CONGREGATION AND COMMUNITY.
Bonnie Dunham, Ashlee Olsen, Susan Patterson, Will Patterson, Aiden Visagie, Rudy Visser
COMMUNITY HOSPICE OF COLUMBIA/GREENE is beginning its semi-annual training for new patient/family volunteers in November. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please pick up a flyer on the back table for more information.
MUCH APPRECIATION TO THE KRC FAMILY FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF THE VALATIE FOOD PANTRY. The Pantry served 95 families in August, including 158 adults & 142 children. Non-perishable foods that are always popular and needed are evaporated milk; coffee; sugar; boxed cereals; pancake mix; syrup; jelly; canned meats, fruits, and vegetables; spaghetti sauce; mac & cheese; dinner helpers; apple sauce; juice; cake & brownie mixes. (PLEASE NOTE: the Pantry is currently overstocked on spaghetti and pasta.) Donations may be placed in the collection containers available in the front and side entryways of the church.
Remember To Thank & Praise God for
• All who serve KRC Ministries by meeting regularly, setting goals, preparing recommendations, & working together to complete projects and responsibilities
• Pastor Rudy Visser, a Spirit-filled preacher of the Word and leader of vision
• The community outreach, delicious food, and financial success the recent Brooks’ Bar-B-Q fundraiser for the benefit of the Kinderhook Cemetery
• Gordie VanBuren’s speedy healing from an injury received in a recent fall at Barnwell
• The wonderful ways God shows his love to us, especially during difficult times
• Those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, & those who have sacrificed their well-being and lives for the peace & liberties we enjoy
Regular reports are needed on the progress or condition of all individuals on our prayer and praise lists. If you have updated information, especially regarding individuals whose names appear in bold print, please call the church office.
Remember to Pray for
• Those who do not know Christ, have turned their back on God, or are struggling in their faith
• KRC’s Consistory members and administrative ministries
• KRC programs & projects and those implementing and administering them: Natural Church Development; church restoration; KRC’s 300th birthday celebration
• Leaders & those attending KRC’s Sunday School, Youth Group, new small group ministries, adult Bible study, Community Prayer Group, and New Members’ Class
• Our state and national leaders, that God will grant them the leadership skills, wisdom, and the personal protection needed to govern effectively and safely
• Our missionaries: Dave and Char Alexander, Perry Jones and Capital City Rescue Mission, Alex and Fran Knauss, Maureen Menard, Dick and Carolyn Otterness, Brian and Bea Post, Seth and Melissa Rogati, Betty Ann Stedwell
• Our children sponsored through Compassion or other agencies
• Those, especially children, victimized by famine and other natural disasters, abuses of war and violence, exploitation, neglect, family hostility
• Families that have lost loved ones, homes, businesses, and employment as a result of recent natural disasters
• Those grieving the loss of loved ones, especially Bill and Suzy Nieman as they grieve the loss of Bill’s sister, Ginger, last Sunday and as they take time to recover from weeks of commuting between Kinderhook and Connecticut in order to assist in Ginger's care
• Angie Rivera Maycole, Florence Rivera's daughter, admitted to Albany Med last Monday where she was treated for a cellulitis infection in her other leg; please pray for a quick recovery at home without complications for Angie
• Sue Jones, wife of Perry Jones, who broke her ankle in three places - pray for a speedy and complete recovery for Sue
• Susan Dick, recovering for surgery this past Tuesday
• Ruth Edge, recuperating from health issues and steadily improving
• A friend of Erika Johnson recovering from injuries sustained in a dirt bike accident
• Those dealing with cancer: Marcia Smith; Gordon Parker; Donna Scalera; Emese; Joann Marvin; Rick; Matt; Tom Saulpaugh;
• Those awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness; chronically ill; or in hospice care: Gordie Van Buren; Betty, sister of Sally Heimroth; Morgan Hickman; Mark and Gordie VanBuren; Dawn VanBuren; Florence Rivera; Ron Stockhoff; Ken Smith; Merrill & Erika Johnson; George Clowe; Kathy Schneider’s father and Charles March, Sr. in Barnwell; Paul Varga
• Those facing challenges, conflicts, difficult decisions: Libby Little, facing the challenges of a demanding itinerary of speaking engagements – Libby’s October-November schedule is now available on the back table; Bobby and others struggling with unnamed issues; caregivers of children with health/developmental issues; those with employment/economic troubles; those suffering discouragement, depression, despair, or other mental health issues; those struggling with substance abuse, especially Greg L, Rachael, and Martin; those dealing with family relationships; young people challenged by the demands of schooling, looking for jobs, dealing with the many temptations confronting young adults
• God’s blessing on those recently engaged/married, expecting babies, new/first-time parents: Derick Latorre and Heather Donahue, recently engaged; first-time parents, Brad and Kelly Ennis Babic (Baby Taylor Marie), Nicole (Baby Alisandra), and Ryan & Jennifer (Deane) Anderson (Baby Grace); new parents, Leré & Anina Visagie (Baby Luke)
• Those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill, especially Diane Morgan
• Our residence-bound members: Murray Leonardson and Mike Rivera
• Our military men and women, especially Courtney Hemmert; Will Ryan; Matt Plescia; and Spencer Moore - that they may know God’s presence and protection
• Families and friends of our military troops, and victims of warfare & violence worldwide - that they may be blessed with God’s peace and reassurance;
• The power of the peace & love of Christ to subdue everywhere the spirits of hatred, hostility, unforgiveness, cruelty, vengeance, and warfare
KRC’s share of support is $6,711 this year for services and resources to be provided for us by the Reformed Church in America at the local, regional, and national levels. EACH MEMBER’S SHARE OF THIS YEAR’S CLASSIS ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN SET AT $80.85, UP $5.85 FROM LAST YEAR. Still, this averages out to only $1.55 per week. All who are able to do so are encouraged to offer, over and above their regular giving, their share of this support. The full share does not have to be given at one time, but may be given in as many increments as are convenient throughout the year. All contributions made for this purpose should be clearly designated, “Classis Assessment.” MANY THANKS TO THOSE WHO HAVE DONATED A TOTAL OF $3,387 TO DATE TO HELP DEFRAY THIS EXPENSE.
Email Address –
Website Address –
Rev. Rudy is scheduled to be in his church office
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.
If you wish to meet with Pastor during these times,
please call ahead for an appointment.
Evenings have been set aside for meetings, pastoral visitations,
and counseling.
For assistance on Fridays, please call or 859-4158
Church Phone 758-6401 Church Fax 758-6402
Phone messages are picked up several times daily.
If you need immediate assistance anytime, please call 859-4158.