Kinderhook Reformed Church Worship Service
Route 9 & Church Street, Kinderhook, NY
10:00 a.m. October 30, 2011
“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”
Rev. Rudy Visser, Pastor
You are invited to sign our Guest Book at the church entrance and to fill out a pew card and place it in the offering plate. We would like to get to know you better, and we invite you to enjoy fellowship and refreshments with us at Coffee Hour downstairs in the Fellowship Room following today’s Worship Service.
Ushers: Chuck Rothermel, Bill Schneider, Andrew Welcome, Paul Zietsman
Greeter(s): Sue Patterson
Preschool Nursery facility is available downstairs, Sally Heimroth supervising.
Order of Worship
God’s Children Approaching
CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive) Based on Psalm 30
O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.
Sing praises to the Lord, O you his faithful ones,
and give thanks to his holy name.
For his anger is but for a moment; his favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning.
Hear, O Lord, and be gracious to me! O Lord, be my helper!
You have turned my mourning into dancing;
you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
so that my soul may praise you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever.
*HYMN OF PRAISE #86 We Come, O Christ, to You
The God who created us and knows our every weakness is also the God who redeems us. With confidence, let us confess the sins that separate us from God and one another.
I have broken more commandments than I have kept. I have fallen short of what I know you would have me do on an hourly basis. I treat with disrespect those whom I claim to hold most dear and hold up with awe men and women who have done great things not in your eye but in the eyes of the world. Help me, O Lord, to reorient my own life and values so they are in line with yours. Help me make strides every day to become one who can stand in your house with honor. Amen.
Friends, the word of the Lord is trustworthy and sure: When we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us. We are made new creatures in Christ.
Hallelujah, Amen.
All-knowing and faithful God, lead our children along paths of righteousness into the places and purposes that you have planned for their lives. May they trust always in your promise and power to guide and direct them in serving you and in bringing blessing to others.
MOMENT FOR MISSIONS – Alex Knauss, Trans World Radio
Before the Open Word of God
SCRIPTURE LESSON Joshua 3:7-17 (p. 153)
MESSAGE “Faith Means Getting Your Feet Wet.”
Celebrating God
SONG OF THANKS #496 (Without repeats) Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart
Generous God, thank you for the gifts you bestow upon us daily. Make us aware of each blessing that comes our way - and create in us the constant desire to be blessings for others. Bless what we bring before you, we pray. Amen.
*HYMN #609 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
*BENEDICTION, BLESSING, & RESPONSE - My Friends, May You Grow in Grace
My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.
My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen. (2x)
Each week, small group opportunities are offered on Thursday at 9 a.m. and Thursday at 7 p.m. Sally Heimroth is coordinator of the Thursday morning group, and Pastor Rudy the Thursday evening group. You are cordially invited to join one of these groups – Walk-ins welcome!
All Active, Confessing Members of KRC should have received by mail a nominations ballot for nominating eligible KRC members to serve on Consistory. A cover letter was been included with the nominations ballot detailing KRC's election process and the Consistory positions that need to be filled in this election. However, PLEASE NOTE: The cover letter contains an error that needs to be addressed and for which we sincerely apologize. The paragraph beginning with "Elder Patti Varga is eligible to serve a second two-year term" is incorrect. It should read, "Elder Dawn Van Buren is eligible to serve a second two-year term." Patti Varga is already seated on Consistory, and her current term does not expire until the end of next year. Dawn Van Buren's current term, on the other hand, expires at the end of this year, and Dawn is now eligible for re-election to a second 2-year term. PLEASE NOTE ALSO THAT THE NOMINATIONS BALLOT IS CORRECT: Dawn Van Buren is listed on the ballot as an eligible nominee, but Patti Varga is not on the ballot. May God bless each of us with His wisdom as we give prayerful attention to the responsibility of electing members to Consistory. The deadline for returning nominations ballots is next Sunday, Nov. 6.
Next Sunday is Communion Sunday, which has been designated for the presentation of gifts, over and above regular giving, to the Benevolent Fund. Please support this important ministry which provides assistance to needy church family & community members.
The Missions Ministry has started the distribution of bags to be used to gather food for the Valatie Food Pantry before Thanksgiving. A list of suggestions about their needs is stapled to each bag, but nearly anything in the nonperishable line will be welcomed. Each Sunday through November 20th, the Sunday School children will collect any bags people have brought and gather them together at the front of the church as we reach out in Thanksgiving to assist in a need that becomes greater each day.
The Missions Ministry has begun a new “Drop in the Bucket” program for our flood- ravaged neighbors in Schoharie and Prattsville. Funds will be sent to area churches to aid with the recovery and relief efforts. A collection bucket is in the foyer for any donation your heart suggests. Please make checks payable to KRC, with “flood relief” in the memo, and thank you for your support.
The Church Family Ministry extends many thanks to everyone who gave so generously of their time and effort to host the KRC Summer Tours. A total of 36 people shared the peace and beauty of our sanctuary. Some visitors came from Sweden, Canada, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Arizona, Mississippi, and Florida. Others came from New York City, Hyde Park, Wynantskill, and Schodack. Your help in making the Summer Tours program a success is very much appreciated.
Church Family Ministry is hosting a Chili Nite Saturday, November 12, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Chili, chili toppings, and beverages, will be provided, but volunteers are needed to round out the menu with cornbreads, tossed green salads and dressings, and brownies and ice cream. PLEASE INDICATE YOUR CONTRIBUTION ON THE SIGN-UP SHEET AT THE BACK TABLE, INVITE FRIENDS TO JOIN US, AND PLAN TO ENJOY AN EVENING OF GOOD FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP.
Orders for 2012 calendars, featuring photographs of Kinderhook by Jim Dunham, are being accepted for a donation of $15 to benefit the Kinderhook Cemetery. To order one of these beautiful calendars, see or contact Jim, 758-6171.
KRC’s 300th anniversary celebration
A committee for celebrating KRC’s 300th anniversary in 2012 has been formed, and you are invited to join us as a committee member. Please pray that God will continue to bless our church family as we move forward into our tricentennial year with great ideas for numerous celebratory events, and that these events will further our mission to know Christ and make Him known. EVERYONE’S HELP IS VERY MUCH NEEDED, AND WE ASK THAT YOU PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER HOW YOU MIGHT PARTICIPATE IN THIS UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR MINISTRY TO OUR CONGREGATION AND COMMUNITY.
Bonnie Dunham, Ashlee Olsen, Susan Patterson, Will Patterson, Aiden Visagie, Rudy Visser
COMMUNITY HOSPICE OF COLUMBIA/GREENE is beginning its semi-annual training for new patient/family volunteers in November. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please pick up a flyer on the back table for more information.
A “Wounded Warrior” Pancake Breakfast is being offered at St. John the Baptist Church next Sunday, November 6. Proceeds will go to the STRIDE adaptive sports program for teaching adaptive sports to recently injured military men and women. For details, please pick up a flyer from the back table.
KRC’s share of support is $6,711 this year for services and resources to be provided for us by the Reformed Church in America at the local, regional, and national levels. EACH MEMBER’S SHARE OF THIS YEAR’S CLASSIS ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN SET AT $80.85, UP $5.85 FROM LAST YEAR. Still, this averages out to only $1.55 per week. All who are able to do so are encouraged to offer, over and above their regular giving, their share of this support. The full share does not have to be given at one time, but may be given in as many increments as are convenient throughout the year. All contributions made for this purpose should be clearly designated, “Classis Assessment.” MANY THANKS TO THOSE WHO HAVE DONATED A TOTAL OF $3,495 TO DATE TO HELP DEFRAY THIS EXPENSE.
Income, October 1 to 23, 2011 $11,003
Bills Paid, October 1 to 23, 2011 $7,916
Current Checkbook Balance $5,841
Outstanding Bills/Undistributed Designated Funds --------
Ministries $1,348
Pastoral Services and Personnel $1,422
Undistributed Designated Funds $4,631
TOTAL Outstanding Bills/Undistributed Designated Funds $7,401
General Reserves Investment Account Balance, September 30 $36,019
Gains/Losses + $343
General Reserves Balance, October 21 $36,362
Benevolent Fund Available Balance $2,103
Renovation Fund Available Balance $5,620
Missions Pledges Budgeted 2011 $4,500
Missions Pledges Paid Out to Date $4,000
Classis Assessment 2011 $6,711
Assessment Payments to Classis to Date $5,033
Assessment Donations to Date $3,480
Remember to Pray for
• Those who do not know Christ, have turned their back on God, or are struggling in their faith
• KRC’s Consistory members and administrative ministries
• KRC programs & projects and those implementing and administering them: Natural Church Development; church restoration; KRC’s 300th birthday celebration
• Leaders & those attending KRC’s Sunday School, Youth Group, new small group ministries, adult Bible study, Community Prayer Group, and New Members’ Class
• Our state and national leaders, that God will grant them the leadership skills, wisdom, and the personal protection needed to govern effectively and safely
• Our missionaries: Dave and Char Alexander, Perry Jones and Capital City Rescue Mission, Alex and Fran Knauss, Maureen Menard, Dick and Carolyn Otterness, Brian and Bea Post, Seth and Melissa Rogati, Betty Ann Stedwell
• Our children sponsored through Compassion or other agencies
• Those, especially children, victimized by famine, drought, and other natural disasters; abuses of war and violence; exploitation; neglect; and family hostility
• Those grieving the loss of loved ones, especially the Wasson and Judson Families, grieving the passing of Bobby Wasson; and Bill and Suzy Nieman as they grieve the recent loss of Bill’s sister, Ginger
• Richard Williams, Dawn Van Buren's step-father, recovering from surgery this past Wednesday - pray also for Dawn's mother as she assists in Richards recovery
• Gordie Van Buren, now home from Barnwell! Please pray for good health, safety, and high spirits for Gordie during this time of transition.
• Angie Rivera Maycole, at home and making good progress in fighting a second cellulitis infection of the leg - pray for quick healing without complications for Angie, and also for Florence as she assists in Angie’s recovery
• Those dealing with cancer: Marcia Smith; Gordon Parker; Donna Scalera; Emese; Joann Marvin; Rick; Matt; Tom Saulpaugh;
• Those awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness; chronically ill; or in hospice care: Sue Jones, Stacey Baker, Susan Dick, Ruth Edge, Gordie Van Buren; Betty, sister of Sally Heimroth; Morgan Hickman; Mark and Gordie VanBuren; Dawn VanBuren; Florence Rivera; Ron Stockhoff; Ken Smith; Merrill & Erika Johnson; George Clowe; Kathy Schneider’s father and Charles March, Sr. in Barnwell; Paul Varga
• Those facing challenges, conflicts, difficult decisions: Libby Little, facing the challenges of a demanding itinerary of speaking engagements – Libby’s October-November schedule is now available on the back table; those struggling with unnamed issues; caregivers of children with health/developmental issues; those with employment/economic troubles; those suffering discouragement, depression, despair, or other mental health issues; those struggling with substance abuse, especially Greg L, Rachael, and Martin; those dealing with family relationships; young people challenged by the demands of schooling, looking for jobs, dealing with the many temptations confronting young adults
• God’s blessing on those recently engaged/married, expecting babies, new/first-time parents: Derick Latorre and Heather Donahue, recently engaged; first-time parents, Brad and Kelly Ennis Babic (Baby Taylor Marie), Nicole (Baby Alisandra), and Ryan & Jennifer (Deane) Anderson (Baby Grace); new parents, Leré & Anina Visagie (Baby Luke)
• Those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill, especially Diane Morgan
• Our residence-bound members: Murray Leonardson and Mike Rivera
• Our military men and women, especially Courtney Hemmert; Will Ryan; Matt Plescia; and Spencer Moore - that they may know God’s presence and protection
• Families and friends of our military troops, and victims of warfare & violence worldwide - that they may be blessed with God’s peace and reassurance;
• The power of the peace & love of Christ to subdue everywhere the spirits of hatred, hostility, unforgiveness, cruelty, vengeance, and warfare
Regular reports are needed on the progress or condition of all individuals on our prayer and praise lists. If you have updated information, especially regarding individuals whose names appear in bold print, please call the church office.
Remember To Thank & Praise God for
• All who serve KRC Ministries by meeting regularly, setting goals, preparing recommendations, & working together to complete projects and responsibilities
• Pastor Rudy Visser, a Spirit-filled preacher of the Word and leader of vision
• Good news! Nothing broken with Faity Tuttle, Ted Tuttle's mom, taken to emergency last Sunday following a fall; Faity, who is 100, was just bruised - the only thing found wrong was a low in magnesium, for which she will take a supplement! Thanks to God and for all the prayers
• The good report that Angie Rivera Maycole is improving steadily each day
• The wonderful ways God shows his love to us, especially during difficult times
• Those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, & those who have sacrificed their well-being and lives for the peace & liberties we enjoy
Email Address –
Website Address –
Rev. Rudy is scheduled to be in his church office
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.
If you wish to meet with Pastor during these times,
please call ahead for an appointment.
Evenings have been set aside for meetings, pastoral visitations,
and counseling.
For assistance on Fridays, please call or 859-4158
Church Phone 758-6401 Church Fax 758-6402
Phone messages are picked up several times daily.
If you need immediate assistance anytime, please call 859-4158.
Pastor Rev. Rudy Visser, President of Consistory, Classis Delegate
Laura Rafferty, Property – ’12 828-7189
Dawn Tuttle, Church Family, Clerk of Consistory, Cemetery – ’11 758-6031
Barbara Vosburgh, Missions, Church Treasurer – ’11 758-6512
Dave Ennis ’11 784-9656
Maureen Mooney, Evangelism – ’12 210-6079
Dawn VanBuren, Consistory Vice-President, Worship,
Pastoral Relations, Personnel – ’11 758-7564
Patti Varga, Christian Education – ‘12 392-4771
KRC Secretary Cemetery Supervisor/KRC Sexton
Paul Clause – 859-4158 Greg Clause – 369-8472, 758-1338
Today.,October 30
10:00 am Worship and Sunday School
11:00 am Coffee Hour, Fellowship Room
11:15 am Adult Bible Study, main floor conference room
New Members’ Class with Pastor Rudy
Mon., October 31
Tues., November 1
7:00 pm KRC Youth Group meets
Thur., November 3
9:00 am Small Group meets, Sally Heimroth, Coordinator
10:00 am Community Prayer Group meets @ KRC
7:00 pm Stewardship Ministry meets, main floor Conference Room
7:00 pm Small Group meets, Pastor Rudy, Coordinator
Fri., November 4
9:30 am Church Family Ministry meets @KRC
Sun., November 6
Deadline for returning Consistory Nomination Ballots
Thur., November 10
1:00 pm Cemetery Committee meets
Sat., November 12
6:00 pm Family Chili Nite, KRC Fellowship Room
Sun., November 13 - Communion Worship
Mon., November 14
7:00 pm Consistory meets
Servers Next Sunday, November 6, 2011
Ushers: Dave Ennis, Will Ferguson, Bob and Josh Horn
Greeter(s): Ruth Edge and Mid Glass
Nursery Supervisor: Joy Bertram