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October 6, 2013

Kinderhook Reformed Church

Route 9 & Church Street, Kinderhook, NY

Worship Service for October 6, 2013 - Rev. Rudy Visser, Pastor

“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known

We would like to get to know you better, and invite you to sign our Guest Book in the entranceway and fill out a pew card and place it in the offering plate.




  *Morning Praise                                                                          Let All Things Now Living

  Morning Prayer

  Prayer for Illumination

  Scripture Lesson                                                                            Hebrews 13:1-16 (p. 853)

  Message                                                                                      “To Live Outside the Camp”

  Prayer of Thanks



  Intercessory Prayer

*Song of Devotion                                                                                            Jesus Paid All



All are invited to enjoy refreshments and fellowship downstairs in the Fellowship Room following today’s Worship service.

Ushers:  Jim Baker, Bob Dreier, Ben Hart, John Schubert

Greeter(s):  Glenn & Cricket Warren        Preschool Nursery  available downstairs.

Guest Organist:  David Smith


  Prelude                               Canzonetta, op. 167/3                         Joseph Rheinberger

  Welcome, Announcements, and God’s Greeting



  Call to Worship (Responsive)  Based on Psalm 27

    The Lord is my light and my salvation;
                I have no reason to fear.
    The Lord is the stronghold of my life;
                God hides me in the shelter of his hand in time of trouble,
    and lifts me up and sets me high on a rock.
                One thing I ask of you, O Lord,

              is that I may dwell in your house all the days of my life.
    Show me your ways. Teach me the paths you would have me follow.
                I know I can wait for you, Lord, for my courage comes from you.

*Hymn of Praise #53                                                                  Let All Things Now Living


  Call to Confession

God is merciful and gracious, with a steadfast love toward us that reaches as high as the heavens.  Because of that love, God is slow to anger and always ready to forgive us.  Let us confess our sins, knowing that God is eager to hear our heartfelt prayer of repentance.

  Prayer of Confession (Unison)

Turning to you, O God, we confess that accounts of Jesus’ suffering and crucifixion are all too familiar. We so easily lose touch with what your Son really did for us, and we take His sacrifice too lightly. We confess that we do not succeed in sharing Jesus' sorrow for our sin.


 [Silent Prayer of Confession]


Hear the prayers of our hearts, merciful God.

       We also confess O Lord, that we so easily hang onto bitterness, hurt, anger, and disappointment, rather than letting go in faith and trust, releasing ourselves to the healing and cleansing power of your Spirit. Forgive us for our willingness to settle for so much less than you desire to give us and to do in us. Restore us to a right relationship with you and with one another, for the sake of your Son, our Savior and Friend, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  Assurance of Pardon (Responsive)  Isaiah 54:8, 43:25, 44:22

“As far as the east is from the west, so far God removes our transgressions from us.” Friends, this is the message of the Gospel. This is the Good News which we believe and proclaim: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!

       Alleluia! Amen.

  Children’s Sermon

  Prayer of Blessing upon Our Children (Unison)

Loving Father, transform our children into the likeness of your living Son, Jesus Christ. Guard them from the evils of this world, and renew them day by day.  Bring them ever closer to Christ’s perfection, and clothe them in his righteousness.   Amen.



Prayer for Illumination and Scripture Lesson                   Hebrews 13:1-16 (p. 853)

  Message                                                                              “To Live Outside the Camp”

  Prayer of Blessing



  Offering/Offertory   “Adorn yourself, O dear soul,” op.  122/5   Johannes Brahms

*Doxology (#809) and Offertory Prayer (Unison)

Gracious God, the generosity of your Spirit is evident all around us in the diversity and pageantry of your creation. May our giving to your mission and ministry be cheerful, open-handed, and gracious, as we give thanks for our blessings and recognize the needs of our neighbors, both near and around the world.  Amen.    (Ignatius of Loyola)

  Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer

*Hymn of Commitment #489                                                                         Jesus Paid It All

*Benediction, Blessing, and Response Hymn    My Friends May You Grow in Grace

  My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.

My friends, may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen. (2x)

  Postlude                          Ernste Feier, op. 167/7                           Joseph Rheinberger


Praises and thanks to our Lord that the BROOKS BAR-B-CUE/dessert sale/community outreach, sponsored by Kinderhook Reformed Church Cemetery this past Wednesday, more than met expectations.  $2400 was raised, all of which will go toward operation and maintenance of the cemetery grounds, an increasingly costly ministry to our community. The Cemetery Committee wishes to thank all those who helped in making this important event a great success again this year.



Austin Bailey (28th),  Bobby Bailey (4th), Bonnie Dunham (6th),

Daniel Hart (29th), Susan Patterson (14th), Will Patterson (21st),

 Aiden Visagie (18th), Jean Wildermuth (15th), Rudy Visser (27th)


     Last Sunday’s Concert in the Village, “The Art of Song in England,”  featuring  performances by soprano Amanda Boyd, tenor Jon Morrell and pianist David Smith, was very well-received by the 100-plus people who attended.  Praise God for the talents and dedication of all who worked so diligently to make this event a successful ministry of music to our surrounding communities.


to attend its Annual Benefit Banquet & Silent Auction, either Wednesday or Thursday, October 23 or 24, at Michael’s Banquet House, 1019 Route 9 North, Latham.  Silent Auction begins at 5 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. each evening.  KRC has traditionally been well-represented at this inspiring event, where you will hear how your volunteer efforts, prayers, and generous support make a difference in the lives of destitute people who are hungry, street-weary, and hopeless.  Proceeds of the banquet will benefit needy individuals through our Transitional Living Program (TLP) (Some men have already moved into the beautiful new apartments and are grateful for a community of peers and support to help them move toward independence); Blessingdale's, our clothing give-away program, (moving into a larger space in the Transitional Living building); and CCRM’s Free Clinic, which serves over 3,000 patients each year (moving into the former Blessingdale’s).  Choose the evening you would like to attend, and see or call Paul Clause, 859-4158.  Your reservation and ticket payment will be made for you, and you can reimburse KRC $20 per ticket reserved by dropping your designated check into the offering plate at anytime. RESERVATIONS SHOULD BE MADE NO LATER THAN NEXT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, and TICKETS WILL BE DELIVERED TO YOU BY THE FOLLOWING SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20.  CCRM banquet organizers will arrange for those attending from KRC to be seated together at 1 or 2 tables, depending on the number of reservations we make.  Reservations may also be made by calling the Mission directly at 462-0421 BEFORE October 13.  Let the representative know if you wish to sit with the KRC group.


Nomination ballots and informational letters for election of the 2014 consistory have been mailed out, and all active, confessing KRC members should have received their ballot or will be receiving it soon.  If you have not received yours, please contact Paul at 859-4158.  All nomination ballots must be returned and in the hands of the election stewards by Sunday, October 20, in order to be included in the nomination process.

"THE OLDE DUTCH AND SUCH" CRAFTS GROUP meets on Fridays at 9:30 a.m. in the main floor classroom opposite the church office, and we warmly invite you to join us in creating new plans and new items for the 2013 KRC Bazaar.  IF YOU ENJOY CRAFT ACTIVITIES, BUT ARE UNABLE TO MEET WITH US ON FRIDAY MORNINGS, YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONTRIBUTE CRAFT ITEMS TO THE BAZAAR BY WORKING FROM HOME ON YOUR OWN TIME SCHEDULE.


KRC’s share of support is $5,788 this year for services and resources to be provided for us by the Reformed Church in America at the local, regional, and national levels. EACH MEMBER’S SHARE OF THIS YEAR’S CLASSIS ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN SET AT $85.12.  All who are able to do so are encouraged to offer, over and above regular giving, their share of this support.  The full share does not have to be given at one time, but may be given in as many increments as are convenient. All contributions made for this purpose should be clearly designated, “Classis Assessment.”



those who do not know Christ, or who are struggling in their faith. 
KRC programs & projects and those planning & administering them: adult and children’s Sunday School; KRC’s youth; VBS; small group ministries; adult Bible studies; Community Prayer Group; outreach programs.
KRC’s 2013 Consistory members; KRC’s administrative ministries, chairpersons, and supporting members.  Pray also that the KRC church family would be consumed with our Lord's Word, and that from His Word, our deeds would glorify Him; our love and kindness for each other would overflow; and we would walk as the people He would have us be.
our missionaries: Dave and Char Alexander; Perry Jones and Capital City Rescue Mission, Alex and Fran Knauss, Maureen Menard, Dick and Carolyn Otterness, Brian and Bea Post, Seth and Melissa Rogati, Betty Ann Stedwell. 
our children sponsored through Compassion or other agencies..
our military men & women, that they may know God’s presence and protection. families and friends of our military troops and victims of warfare, terrorism, and  violence worldwide,  that they may be blessed with God’s peace and the reassuring knowledge that he is in control.
our state and national leaders, that God will grant them the leadership skills, wisdom, and the personal protection needed to govern effectively and safely.
those, especially children, suffering violence; exploitation; neglect; family hostility.
families and friends grieving the loss of loved ones, especially: the Alessi family grieving the death of Becky’s grandmother this past Saturday; those grieving the recent death of Wendy Ordway.
Dawn Tuttle, recovering from surgery to repair a broken femur in the same leg as her recent knee replacement.  Dawn is now in St. Peter’s Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Room 20,begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 301 Hackett Avenue, Albany, NY 12208 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, and can be reached on her cell phone, (518) 610-1576.   She may be there some time, as she cannot put weight on her right leg until she sees the surgeon again in a week or so.
Susan Lavin, friend of the Dicks, now home in Florida and recovering very slowly.  She has a lot of pain and isn't able to get much sleep, but on the good side, the tumor was confined to her lung and her doctors are fairly sure they were able to remove it all. Husband Ed expresses his thanks to all for all the prayers offered for him and Susan.

others battling or recovering from cancer:  Luci and sister, Marilyn; Jen Kline; Dan McNeil; Kathy White, friend of Dawn Van Buren; George, father of Nancy Baker’s  friend; Gail, daughter of a friend of Barbara Vosburgh; Mary Ann, friend of Erika Johnson; Penny, cousin of Florence Rivera; Tom Kennedy; Charlie Roppolo; Barbette Leclair; Paul Varga’s friend; Peter; John Warren; Patti and Diane; Uncle Tony; Jack; Guinda (LaHaie) Derrico; Rosanne; Connie; Sal Alessi; Tom Saulpaugh; Donna Scalera.
those awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness; chronically ill; or in hospice care:  Roberta; Gail, sister of John Schubert; Dan, friend of Patrice Lyons; Char, sister of Lori Kolb-Speer; Jim, cousin of Florence Rivera; Mr. O’Neil and son; Lucy Neubauer; Carol, Diane Morgan's cousin; Vicki Metzger, Nancy Baker’s mom; Ruth Edge; Laurie (Dunham) Maul; Liz Carroll; Jeannie Dunbar; Joe McCormick; Paul Varga; Blanche Rogers; Florence Rivera; Maureen Mooney; Faity Tuttle.  
those facing challenges, conflicts, difficult decisions: Cora Ennis, mother of Dave Ennis, and Dave and Beth and family as they work through making tough decisions about Cora's future care. Christians in the Middle East; Jonathan, dealing with personal issues; Olivia, that God will give her peace and guidance; Paul, that God will give him wisdom, determination, and peace in carrying out difficult decisions; the Royce Family; Libby Little.
those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill, especially Diane Morgan.
residence-bound members, Gordie Van Buren; Murray Leonardson, Mike Rivera.


Regular updates are needed on the progress or condition of all individuals on our prayer and praise lists, especially those whose names are in bold type.  Please forward this information, as well as new praise and prayer requests, to or call Paul at 859-4158



Pastor Rudy Visser, a Spirit-filled minister and leader of vision.
all who serve KRC Ministries by meeting regularly, setting goals, preparing recommendations, and working together to complete projects and responsibilities.
KRC's Consistory, whose dedication to their calling is an inspiration to all
the blessing of family, friends.
all His provisions for our basic life needs, and the wonderful ways God shows his love to us, especially during difficult times.
those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, & those who have sacrificed their well-being and lives for the peace & liberties we enjoy.  
the happy news that Derick and Heather Latorre are expecting their first child next April.
the good news that Gail, daughter of a friend of Barbara Vosburgh, came through breast cancer surgery well.  Please continue prayers as she begins a regimen of radiation treatments.
the good report that Kara Ennis’s recent checkup showed that her body remains free of cancer.
the encouraging news from Guinda (LaHaie) Derrico, that she is doing much better following ovarian cancer surgery and 8 weeks of chemo. She says "the Lord got her through" this very difficult time, that she is "SO looking forward" to the rest of her life, and that she hopes to be back in the Kinderhook area for a visit next May. Guinda thanks everyone for all their prayers, but asks for continued prayers as she has one more relatively minor surgery to go through before she is "home free."


Email Address –

Website Address –

Rev. Rudy is available at his church office

 Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday and Friday mornings.

If you wish to meet with Pastor during these times,

please call ahead for an appointment.

Evenings are set aside for meetings, pastoral visitations,

 and counseling.

For assistance on Mondays, please call 859-4158

Church Phone  758-6401                Church Fax   758-6402

Phone messages are picked up several times daily.

If you need immediate assistance anytime, call 859-4158.




  Pastor Rev. Rudy Visser, President of Consistory


Jane Deane – ’14,  Christian Education    758-7051

Noreen Dick – ’13,  Church Family     758-6640

Derick Latorre – ’14,  Stewardship / KRC Treasurer     376-1882

Patrice Lyons – ’13,  Outreach     758-8400


Dawn Tuttle – ’13,  Worship   758-6031
Maureen Mooney – ’14,  Outreach / Clerk      210-6079

Dawn Van Buren – ’13,  Cemetery / VP of Consistory   758-7564

Bob Wildermuth –’14,  Personnel / Pastoral Relations      828-0690


                John Schubert, Chairman, Classis Financial Committee


                                                  KRC STAFF

                      KRC Office Manager                     KRC Office Assistant  

                    Paul Clause – 859-4158                   Liz Carroll – 758-6034

    Cemetery Supervisor/KRC Sexton

    Greg Clause – 369-8472, 758-1338



Today, October 6

      8:30 am  Early Communion Worship Service     

    10:00 am  Communion Worship Service and Sunday School  

    11:15 am  Adult Sunday School Classes - Main floor conference and class rooms

Tues., October  8

     7:00 pm  Youth Group meets

Thur, October 10

9:00 am  Small Group meets @ KRC
       Please join us as we continue our study of the book of Revelation.

    10:00 am  Community Prayer Group @ KRC

Fri.,   October  11

      9:30 am  Weight Watchers meet, KRC Fellowship Room

      9:30 am  Olde Dutch and Such Crafts Group meets opposite KRC office

Sat.,   October  12

    10:00 am to Noon – Last free guided tour of the season, KRC’s sanctuary

Sun.,  October 13 - Deadline for making CCRM Banquet Reservations

      8:30 am  Early Worship Service

    10:00 am  Worship Service and Sunday School  

    11:15 am  Adult Sunday School Classes - Main floor conference and class rooms Mon., October 14

      6:30 pm  Consistory meets

Sun.,  October 20 - Deadline for submitting 2014 Consistory Nomination Ballots

      8:30 am  Early Worship Service

    10:00 am  Worship Service and Sunday School  

    11:15 am  Adult Sunday School Classes - Main floor conference and class rooms Wed., Thur., October 23, 24 - 5 pm  CCRM Silent Auction and Banquet


Servers Next Sunday, October 13, 2013

       Ushers:  Jim Baker, Bob Dreier, Ben Hart, John Schubert

       Greeter(s):  Dick and Mary Silvano